Saison 2

47 épisodes

(23 h)



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Uncle Sam Shouldn't be Making Your Resolutions

S2 E1 Uncle Sam Shouldn't be Making Your Resolutions

Première diffusion : 6 janvier 2011

Meet the New Boss

S2 E2 Meet the New Boss

Première diffusion : 13 janvier 2011

The Curse of Good Intentions

S2 E3 The Curse of Good Intentions

Première diffusion : 20 janvier 2011

Balancing the Budget

S2 E4 Balancing the Budget

Première diffusion : 27 janvier 2011


S2 E5 Sports

Première diffusion : 3 février 2011

Spontaneous Order

S2 E6 Spontaneous Order

Première diffusion : 10 février 2011

The Future

S2 E7 The Future

Première diffusion : 17 février 2011

Hollywood Gets It Wrong

S2 E8 Hollywood Gets It Wrong

This weekend is the Oscars! As a stutterer, I'm excited that the King's Speech is favored to win for best picture and best actor. It actually gets stuttering mostly right. Hollywood gets so much else wrong. For example: The movie makers obsess about the Oscars because movies that win make more money. Oscar nominees re-release their movie around Oscar season. They are smart capitalists. So, why then, are they so clueless about capitalism!? And hostile to capitalism?! This ticks me off. Movie villains used to be Indians, but then that became politically incorrect. Nazis were the villains after World War II, then Russians, then aliens and mobsters. Briefly Arabs were villains, but then that became politically incorrect. Today, it seems like most of the rapacious villains are businessmen. On my FBN show tonight, radio host Michael Medved talks about the ways in which Hollywood gets capitalism wrong. Famed director Oliver Stone is one of the biggest offenders. His Wall Street movies portray “greed” as evil, and he clearly does not get economics. In the first Wall Street, villain Gordon Gekko says business is "a zero sum game -- somebody wins, somebody loses. Money itself isn't lost or made; it's simply transferred from one perception to another." That’s just wrong. It’s a commonly repeated myth: “when the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.” But if you think of wealth as a pie, the rich aren’t taking more slices from the poor. The rich bake new pies every day. That’s how they get rich. Everyone gets richer when the rich get richer. Another big offender is director James Cameron. In the Alien series, it’s a greedy mega-corporation that seeks to capture the aliens. In Titanic, it’s a greedy businessman who pressures the captain to go faster despite the icebergs. Most recently, in Avatar, it’s an evil mining corporation that wants to destroy the natural habitat of the noble savages.

Première diffusion : 24 février 2011

Battles at Home and Abroad

S2 E9 Battles at Home and Abroad

Première diffusion : 3 mars 2011

Americas Heroes...not

S2 E10 Americas Heroes...not

I revere the Founders. The media revere the “green” movement, the anti-war movement, politicians and activists like Erin Brockovich. The media are party clueless, and apparently, so am I. Did you know the Founders fought against dancing, interracial mixing and masturbation? Did you know Martin Luther King called rock 'n' roll evil and degraded black music? Did you know Erin Brockovich’s lawyer buddies made $100,000,000 suing PG&E? The movie was wonderful, and Julia Roberts deserves her Oscar. But the “true” story behind it is largely lawyer deceit. The California Cancer Registry analyzed cancer rates in the area and found no elevation in the level of cancer. But the power company paid the lawyers millions to go away, and Californians pay the cost in their electric bills. So why are the lawyers heroes?

Première diffusion : 10 mars 2011

Stop the Spending

S2 E11 Stop the Spending

Première diffusion : 17 mars 2011

Leave me Alone

S2 E12 Leave me Alone

Première diffusion : 24 mars 2011

Students for Liberty

S2 E13 Students for Liberty

Première diffusion : 31 mars 2011

Budget Wars

S2 E14 Budget Wars

Première diffusion : 7 avril 2011

Makers vs. Takers

S2 E15 Makers vs. Takers

Première diffusion : 14 avril 2011

Privacy vs. Security

S2 E16 Privacy vs. Security

Première diffusion : 21 avril 2011

Ron Paul Revolution

S2 E17 Ron Paul Revolution

Première diffusion : 28 avril 2011

Freeloaders Talk Back

S2 E18 Freeloaders Talk Back

Première diffusion : 5 mai 2011

Good Energy/Bad Energy

S2 E19 Good Energy/Bad Energy

Première diffusion : 12 mai 2011

American (Budget) Idol

S2 E20 American (Budget) Idol

Première diffusion : 26 mai 2011

Government Help Hurts

S2 E21 Government Help Hurts

Première diffusion : 2 juin 2011

Who is Gary Johnson?

S2 E22 Who is Gary Johnson?

Première diffusion : 9 juin 2011

The Trouble with Lawyers 3

S2 E23 The Trouble with Lawyers 3

Première diffusion : 16 juin 2011

Declaration of Independents

S2 E24 Declaration of Independents

Première diffusion : 23 juin 2011

The College Scam

S2 E25 The College Scam

Première diffusion : 30 juin 2011

On the Road to Serfdom

S2 E26 On the Road to Serfdom

Première diffusion : 7 juillet 2011

Herman Cain 2012

S2 E27 Herman Cain 2012

Première diffusion : 14 juillet 2011

Politically Incorrect History

S2 E28 Politically Incorrect History

Première diffusion : 21 juillet 2011

Debt Solution

S2 E29 Debt Solution

Première diffusion : 28 juillet 2011

Government in My Car

S2 E30 Government in My Car

Première diffusion : 4 août 2011

Defending the Indefensible

S2 E31 Defending the Indefensible

Première diffusion : 11 août 2011

GOP Debates

S2 E32 GOP Debates

Première diffusion : 18 août 2011

10 Years After 9-11

S2 E33 10 Years After 9-11

Première diffusion : 8 septembre 2011

Question Authority

S2 E34 Question Authority

Première diffusion : 15 septembre 2011

Creating Jobs

S2 E35 Creating Jobs

Première diffusion : 22 septembre 2011

Libertarians in Charge

S2 E36 Libertarians in Charge

Première diffusion : 30 septembre 2011

Job Killers

S2 E37 Job Killers

Première diffusion : 6 octobre 2011

Liberate Wall Street

S2 E38 Liberate Wall Street

Première diffusion : 13 octobre 2011

Reaction to Stupid in America

S2 E39 Reaction to Stupid in America

Première diffusion : 20 octobre 2011

Stupid Consumers

S2 E40 Stupid Consumers

Première diffusion : 27 octobre 2011

Big Govt-Rejected

S2 E41 Big Govt-Rejected

Première diffusion : 3 novembre 2011

Enemies of Free Speech

S2 E42 Enemies of Free Speech

Première diffusion : 17 novembre 2011

Unintended Consequences

S2 E43 Unintended Consequences

Première diffusion : 1 décembre 2011

Creating Jobs 2

S2 E44 Creating Jobs 2

Première diffusion : 8 décembre 2011

Govt Healthcare Gone Wrong

S2 E45 Govt Healthcare Gone Wrong

Première diffusion : 15 décembre 2011

What a Wonderful World

S2 E46 What a Wonderful World

Première diffusion : 22 décembre 2011

Libertarian Year in Review

S2 E47 Libertarian Year in Review

Première diffusion : 29 décembre 2011