10 épisodes
(1 h 50 min)
S1 E1 • Superbar
The Warden opens a bar in Superjail, the Superbar, in an attempt to get a date with Alice. Things take a turn for the worse when Jared falls off the wagon and becomes drunk.
Première diffusion : 28 septembre 2008
S1 E2 • Combaticus
The Warden and his staff unearth an ancient fighting arena. It is reactivated in an effort to decrease the high inmate depression level and becomes a Thunderdome-like chance for the inmates to fight to the death for freedom. The Twins attempt to sabotage the arena with Combaticus, a fighter created from their DNA.
Première diffusion : 5 octobre 2008
S1 E3 • Ladies Night
A carrier ship for the female prison "Ultraprison" crash-lands in Superjail. Ultraprison's "Mistress" and the Warden arrange a ball for their inmates as part of a bet to see which set of convicts can act more refined. The Warden gets to keep the female prisoners if he wins the bet; if the Mistress wins, she gets Superjail.
Première diffusion : 12 octobre 2008
S1 E4 • Cold-Blooded
An Ed Gein-like serial killer is mistakenly captured by Jailbot instead of Jacknife, putting Superjail on edge. To investigate his grip on the inmates, the Warden sends Jared undercover as a inmate. When the new arrival accidentally kills himself, Jared takes the credit and becomes admired by inmates as Superjail's most violent resident. Meanwhile, the Twins hack into Jailbot and control him like a video game.
Première diffusion : 19 octobre 2008
S1 E5 • Don't Be A Negaton
The Warden invites his favorite motivational speaker, D.L. Diamond, to Superjail.
Première diffusion : 26 octobre 2008
S1 E6 • Terrorarium
The Warden holds a science fair and declares himself the winner for inventing the Terrorarium, a snowglobe containing miniature jungle filled with dangerous, carnivorous insects.
Première diffusion : 2 novembre 2008
S1 E7 • Mr. Grumpy-Pants
Jacknife's latest crime results in him accidentally kidnapping a little girl with cancer as Jailbot drags him back to Superjail. A disfigured inmate, discovering it is the girl's birthday, decides to throw her a party. Meanwhile, the Warden conjures his gremlin-like inner child, which tries to kill the girl, as she makes him feel old.
Première diffusion : 9 novembre 2008
S1 E8 • Dream Machine
The Warden tries to stop a riot by monitoring the inmates' dreams.
Première diffusion : 23 novembre 2008
S1 E9 • Time-Police (1)
Faced with overcrowding in his prison, the Warden decides to make Superjail into a franchise, but is arrested by the Time Police to stand trial for devastation this decision causes.
Première diffusion : 30 novembre 2008
S1 E10 • Time-Police (2)
With the Warden missing, the Superjail staff tries to make it in the real world. Meanwhile, the inmates of Superjail adopt a peaceful, pastoral lifestyle as they await the Warden's return.
Première diffusion : 7 décembre 2008