23 épisodes
(17 h 15 min)
Saison 2004
Saison 2005
Saison 2006
Saison 2007
Saison 2008
Saison 2009
Saison 2010
Saison 2011
Saison 2012
Saison 2013
Saison 2018
Saison 2019
Saison 2024
S2008 E1 • Les Plus Grands Pipelines
Super Pipeline looks at one of the gas industry’s riskiest projects ever undertaken. By 2008, Britain will be connected to Norway via a 1,200 km super pipeline. It’s composed of over one million tonnes of steel and equating to a 1/3 of the world’s combined pipeline production company. Yet all of the work must be completed by robots working 3 km under the North Sea against harsh underwater currents, sub-zero temperatures and abysmal wind and wave conditions
S2008 E2 • Atom Smasher
The Large Hadron Collider is a titan of science. Built on an unsurpassed scale, scientists aim to capture the smallest particles in the universe.
Première diffusion : 8 janvier 2008
S2008 E3 • South Pole Station
Welcome to the South Pole, one of the most isolated places on the planet. For decades, the South Pole has been a haven for astronomy, climatology, and other science fields. Now, nearly 50 years after the first research station was built, a team of mega-builders is daring to construct a 21st century science research facility: the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station.
Première diffusion : 9 janvier 2008
S2008 E4 • Shanghai Super Tower
The design and construction of the Shanghai World Financial Centre which, at 101 floors high, will be China's tallest structure.
Première diffusion : 14 mai 2008
S2008 E5 • Le cube d'eau de Pekin
Just in time for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, workers are feverishly putting the finishing touches on the National Aquatics Centre – the Beijing Water Cube. A stroke of design genius, this Olympic Megastructure is a steel honeycomb-like frame enclosed entirely by a unique skin, modelled after soap bubbles. Using 90 kilometres worth of steel in 22,000 beams following no conventional straight lines, the Beijing Water Cube must be topped with 100,000 square metres of bubbles. Looking for a truly unique covering, the design team focuses on ETFE – a light-weight plastic invented to protect spaceships from cosmic radiation. Among ETFE’s unique properties, dot patterns on its surface can trap solar energy in the winter and reflect solar energy in the summer, keeping the building cool. The Beijing Water Cube is the largest ETFE construction in the world, and because of its honeycomb-like structure, 3,500 ETFE bubbles must be cut individually, and sized. Factor in that the dimensions have been created in Germany and must be translated into a Chinese database and the Beijing Water Cube becomes a bit of a logistical nightmare. Beijing’s Water Cube represents a true morphing of molecular science, architecture and structural engineering.
Première diffusion : 21 mai 2008
S2008 E6 • Bridge Breakdown
Demolition of the (1927) Carquinez Bridge in the San Francisco Bay Area
Première diffusion : 15 mai 2008
S2008 E7 • Sinking an Aircraft Carrier
A specialist demolition team attempt to create the largest artificial reef in the world by sinking the aircraft carrier USS Oriskany. As they battle through thick steel plating and hazardous waste, the workers are aided by marine architects, divers, engineering units and local authorities.
Première diffusion : 29 mai 2008
S2008 E8 • Le Paquebot suprême
Looks at the technological designs and construction of the huge cruiseliner "Freedom of the Seas".
Première diffusion : 4 juin 2008
S2008 E9 • Une prison dernier cri
Pour être achevé d'ici à 2007, le Maryland's North Branch Correctional Institution sera l'un des pays les plus salut-technologie prisons. La conception et la construction de l'installation et de l'amélioration de certains dispositifs de sécurité installés sont explorées dans cet épisode.
Première diffusion : 15 juin 2008
S2008 E10 • Barrage Géant En Islande
This episode looks at the Karahnjukar Hydroelectric Project in Iceland - an audacious engineering feat that includes the building of Europe's highest dam, the drilling of 30-mile-long tunnels and the construction of a gigantic underground power plant.
Première diffusion : 18 juin 2008
S2008 E11 • Beijing Olympic Stadium (Building Green Beijing)
2010 environmental improvement plan in Beijing, China
Première diffusion : 5 août 2008
S2008 E12 • Impossible Build
The renovated California Academy of Sciences - the world's largest green public building - emerges from the landscape of Golden Gate Park. Viewed from the air, the undulating living roof resembles a piece of the park flying as if by magic.
Première diffusion : 3 septembre 2008
S2008 E13 • Mega Breakdown: Italian Bridge
A historic bridge is being taken down and recycled, but the demolition team faces challenges while doing it.
Première diffusion : 10 septembre 2008
S2008 E14 • Deep Earth Drillers
Mega Green Tech is in search of geothermal power.
Première diffusion : 20 décembre 2008
S2008 E15 • Dam Busters
A team of experts mobilises to demolish, excavate and recycle a 25,000 ton dam built of concrete and steel. The pressure is on: they have just half the time needed to complete the job. Worse yet, their biggest challenge stands behind the old dam – one million cubic yards of boulders, gravel and sand that the river has stacked against it for nearly a century. To remove this blockade, the team gambles on a radical, dangerous plan that's never been tried before: turning the energy of a perfect storm against the debris. If they are not successful, a generation of endangered salmon returning to spawn may be wiped out.
Première diffusion : 30 décembre 2008
S2008 E16 • Power Tower
Witness the Bahrain World Trade Center. Two 50-story glass "sails" rise over 240 meters into the sky along the shores of the Persian (Arabian) Gulf. This unique architectural marvel is powered in part by a revolutionary new means for a building this size - wind. It's the world's first large-scale integration of wind turbines into a skyscraper. Three massive turbines will supply clean power to the buildings. In this hour, we explore the science behind the concept and discover how engineers and construction crews attempt to tackle this audacious project. In an oil-rich region of the world, the team transforms the vision to reality and looks to the future, committed to a renewable energy source of mega proportions.
Première diffusion : 3 janvier 2009
S2008 E17 • Le Nouveau Ferry d'Hawaï
le Hawaï Super Ferry, un catamaran de 14 000 tonnes conçu pour transporter près de 1 000 passagers 300 véhicules et des volumes considérables de marchandises. Bâti entièrement en aluminium et équipé de quatre moteurs, ce bateau assure quotidiennement la liaison entre les différentes îles de l'archipel d'Hawaï, depuis le mois d'août 2007.
S2008 E18 • Steam Drillers
S2008 E19 • Sun Engine
With fluctuating energy prices and concerns over global warming, solar power as a renewable energy is being seen in a new, more urgent, light.
S2008 E20 • World's Biggest Shredder
The world's largest recycling machine is the size of a factory. It reduces the equivalent of 450 cars an hour to an unrecognisable pulp, shredding 9 million tonnes of scrap metal every year.
S2008 E21 • 747 Breakdown
AeroTurbine in Goodyear, AZ breaks down and recycles a 747.
S2008 E22 • Bahrain World Trade Centre
There are no such similar Buildings in the world. The Bahrain World Trade Center (also called Bahrain WTC or BWTC) is a 240-metre-high (787 ft), 50-floor, twin tower complex located in Manama, Bahrain. The towers were built in 2008 by the multi-national architectural firm Atkins. It is the first skyscraper in the world to integrate wind turbines into its design. The wind turbines were developed, built and installed by Danish company Norwin A/S. The structure is constructed close to the King Faisal Highway, near popular landmarks such as the towers of Bahrain Financial Harbour (BFH), NBB and Abraj Al Lulu. It currently ranks as the second-tallest building in Bahrain, after the twin towers of the Bahrain Financial Harbour.
Première diffusion : 12 juillet 2014
S2008 E23 • Hoover Dam Reinvented
Hoover Dam is regarded as an engineering masterpiece and an America icon. But what if it did not exist today? How would engineers build it today? In this one hour program, we ask a team of engineers what they would do the same and what they would do differently... as we re-invent Hoover Dam