8 épisodes
(8 h)
S3 E1 • King of the Lake
When an elite schoolboy rower wins a regatta on Lake Wendouree then inexplicably drowns, his mother asks Doctor Blake to find the truth behind her son's death.
Première diffusion : 13 février 2015
S3 E2 • My Brother's Keeper
When a Ballarat farmer is found dead in a cow pen, locals are quick to blame livestock for trampling the man, but Doctor Blake isn't convinced.
Première diffusion : 20 février 2015
S3 E3 • This Time and This Place
When a social worker is murdered on Bonfire Night, suspicion immediately turns to an Aboriginal teen. But as Doctor Blake investigates he finds there was more than one person in attendance with murder in their heart.
Première diffusion : 27 février 2015
S3 E4 • By the Southern Cross
When Doctor Blake investigates the death of a student leader at the Eureka Memorial site, he uncovers quite a few political and family tensions.
Première diffusion : 6 mars 2015
S3 E5 • A Night to Remember
When a famous actress is murdered at a charity event at the Colonist's Club, it really does become a 'Night to Remember' as Blake tries to find the killer with very little to help him.
Première diffusion : 13 mars 2015
S3 E6 • Women and Children
A murder in the hospital leads Blake into a maze of sexual politics and revenge.
Première diffusion : 20 mars 2015
S3 E7 • Room without a View
When the local hardware store owner is mysteriously found dead in a hotel room, Dr Blake decides to spend the night in that same room to try and solve the crime.
Première diffusion : 27 mars 2015
S3 E8 • Darkness Visible
While investigating the murder of a local magistrate, Dr Blake realises the answers to this crime are inextricably linked with the death of his mother 40 years earlier.
Première diffusion : 3 avril 2015