Saison 1

12 épisodes

(5 h)



Saison 1


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Louise of the Holy Land

S1 E1 Louise of the Holy Land

Louise wakes up to hear Saito make perverted comments in his sleep, even comparing Louise`s chest into a flat plain and Siesta`s into a mountain range, resulting in her blowing him up. Colbert arrives to tell them they and their friends have been summoned to Romalia, where upon arriving they meet up with Julio, Henrietta, and Romalia’s pope Vittorio Serevare. Vittorio reveals that he knows Louise is a Void mage while also identifying himself, Tiffania, and Galia’s king Joseph as Void mages, and explains they must assemble as a group to save their world. Vittorio asks Louise and Tifa to help him in this endeavor by becoming his priestess`s and Louise readily accepts, leading to an argument with Saito over her decision. That night, Tifa asks Colbert to help her summon a familiar, Louise goes to investigate two suspicious people, and Siesta explains to Saito Louise’s’ reason for her decision. Louise confronts the two individuals, Jack & Bleu, as they steal a mirror artifact, but she is caught. Saito arrives, so Jack battles him, allowing Bleu to escape, while below them Tifa begins her summoning ritual. Jack is defeated thanks to Louise’s magic, but Saito falls off the roof they are on and into the portal for Tifa’s ritual, coming out through the other side. The next morning Saito tells Louise he will support her and her decision and they reconcile with a kiss, which Tifa accidentally interrupts. Tifa then wonders if Saito could be her familiar, while also showing signs of having feelings for him. Source: Wiki

Première diffusion : 7 janvier 2012

Aquileia's Shrine Maiden

S1 E2 Aquileia's Shrine Maiden

Louise and Saito enjoy some time alone as they explore the city of Aquileia. Henrietta asks Vittorio to keep Louise and Tifa safe but despite both his and Julio’s assurances Agnes and Henrietta still suspect trouble. Tifa wonders if she really did summon Saito and notes that now seeing him makes her feel flustered. Louise shows off her priestess outfit to Saito and they begin to get intimate but Malicorne ruins their moment. In Galia, Bidalsha creates fire stones for Joseph who reveals he will use them as weapons while Sheffield confirms that she will enact her plan tomorrow. The next day, Tifa tries to confirm if Saito is her familiar by kissing him, but the two are interrupted by Malicorne and Montmorency. Louise is taken aside by a peasant girl and when Saito goes to look for her he is ambushed by Bleu. The peasant girl reveals herself as Janette, Bleu’s sister, and subdues Louise and hands her over to Sheffield. Janette retrieves Bleu and informs Saito of Louise’s kidnapping, so he frantically searches for her to no avail. Saito and the others regroup and Tabitha reveals the kidnappers are from Galia, meaning Joseph is behind the kidnapping. Before they can act, they are informed that Galia’s airships are heading towards Romalia. Onboard one of the ships, Joseph introduces himself to Louise and tells her he will use her as part of his plan. Source: Wiki

Première diffusion : 14 janvier 2012

The Incompetent King Gone Mad

S1 E3 The Incompetent King Gone Mad

Sheffield uses the stolen mirror artifact to transfer Louise`s Explosion power to Joseph and he uses it to detonate a fire stone, destroying the airships attacking him. Saito and Tabitha make their way towards Joseph’s ship while he detonates another stone on the retreating ships. Louise manages to escape and takes the last stone with her, but Sheffield’s gargoyle recovers it, as Saito and Tabitha arrive to save Louise. Tabitha and Louise go after the gargoyle, while Saito uses Julio`s gift, a modern gun, to incapacitate Sheffield and confront Joseph. On the ground, Tifa uses ancient magic to stop the gargoyle, allowing Tabitha to recover the stone. Joseph uses his void power, Acceleration, to move at high speed and subdue Saito, but Louise and Tabitha return and save him. Tabitha fatally wounds her uncle, but decides against killing him just as Sheffield returns and forces the group to leave her to die with Joseph, so the trio escapes just as the ship explodes from the last stone. Back at the Cathedral, Saito voices his suspicions that Vittorio used Louise as bait to lure Joseph and kill him, to which Vittorio admits. Louise tells Saito that it’s alright since she has him to protect her and he agrees, reaffirming their bond. Tifa, who was watching, both admires and is saddened by their close bond, believing it proves that Saito is not her familiar. Source: Wiki

Première diffusion : 21 janvier 2012

The Queen's Reward

S1 E4 The Queen's Reward

At the Magic Academy, a ball is held in celebration of Louise, Saito, and the others deeds in Romalia. Louise and Saito dance, and he expresses his wish to be with her forever, leading to a passionate kiss between the two. Meanwhile in Galia Tabitha uses an antidote given to her by Bidalsha to cure her mother. The following day, Siesta overhears how Tifa tried to kiss Saito and suggests to Louise that they should separate Saito from Tifa by buying a house were only he and Louise would live, and Louise agrees. Louise rejects all of Saito and Siesta’s choices, and becomes further irritated when Siesta reveals she too will be living with them. Things become worse for the girls when they discover Saito has become increasingly popular with women due to his heroic status, and so decide to hasten their efforts. Back in Galia, Tabitha is asked by her mother to become the new queen for both the country and her father’s sake. Three days later, Agnes brings Saito and Louise to Henrietta, who informs them that Tabitha will be Galia’s new queen and to reward Saito for his previous deeds with a portion of her territory. Saito, Louise, and Siesta arrive in their new land, Ornières, only to find that it is a forest and their mansion is old and decrepit, but stay anyway since it was a gift. That night, the trio is visited by Tabitha who reveals she will be moving in with them since she postponed her coronation. Source: Wiki

Première diffusion : 28 janvier 2012

The Maidens of De Ornieres

S1 E5 The Maidens of De Ornieres

At Ornières, Tabitha still hasn`t decided if she wishes to be queen of Galia yet, since she has to be married and have a baby before she becomes queen. Louise and Saito spend time with each other on a hill and they share a kiss. Eleanor soon comes over and tells Louise that she can`t live with a commoner like Saito and demands her to return home. Louise then convinces her sister to let her stay by promising to have Saito act like a noble. Louise starts training Saito for the whole day and the two inevitably argue, leaving Saito sleeping on a busted lounge chair in the basement. Later that night, as Louise is worried in bed, Saito discovers a hidden passage that leads to a secret room with a mystical mirror. He touches the mirror and discovers that it`s portal that leads to Henrietta`s mirror. Henrietta goes through the mirror and meets with Saito. As Louise explores the mansion to search for Saito, she finds Saito in the room where she sees him and Henrietta kissing. Her tears fall as she quietly leaves the passage unnoticed. Saito tells Henrietta that he truly loves Louise and cannot accept Henrietta`s feelings. Saito soon leaves to hear Del tell him that Louise was here, crying, and Saito ran off to find Louise leaving on a horse. Louise just smiled and apologized for not realizing his feelings towards the princess. At the Magic Academy, Tabitha then told Louise that she would have Saito as her husband. Kirche explained to Louise that queens (i.e. nobility) can`t freely fall in love since they are often betrothed so she must honest with Saito and tells her true feelings as to not put him in a struggle. Saito is afterward seen on the hill again, thinking about going back to his world since Louise is not there with him. Louise comes back to Saito where and confesses that she wants to be with him forever. Saito happily tells Louise that she is the one who he is in love with and they lovingly embrace each other. Source: Wiki

Première diffusion : 4 février 2012

Trouble at the Outdoor Bath

S1 E6 Trouble at the Outdoor Bath

A hot spring is uncovered at Ornières, so Saito decides to modify it into a bath and invites everyone he knows to try it. Louise later thanks Tabitha for helping her make up with Saito, but Tabitha warns her that she meant every word and next time she will take Saito for herself. That night, Slyphid reminds Tabitha that she is running out of time with her decision, so Tabitha chooses to make her move on Saito. Her attempt is quickly stopped by Louise. The following morning, everyone arrives where they are greeted with everyone else invited. Upon everyone else`s arrival, Siesta and Louise soon spot a hooded figure entering the mansion. Louise and Siesta capture the figure, who turns out to be Henrietta, who explains she wanted to try the hot spring. As Henrietta and Louise bathe, Louise confronts Henrietta on her feelings towards Saito, which soon turns into a cat fight since Henrietta confessed that she loves Saito. They soon make up, although Henrietta tells Louise she will still pursue Saito. Later, Saito talks with Henrietta to assure his feelings for Louise clear, but Henrietta reassures him that she has not given up on him. The girls then enjoy a group bath but Tifa soon becomes light headed from soaking too long, so she stays in for the night as everyone else leaves. With everyone gone, Louise and Saito bathe together in the hot spring and promise that they won`t die before one another, hugs and kisses. The two soon return to their room where they passionately kiss. As Louise is lies down, she signs at Saito that she wants to have sex. But as Louise discovers Tifa asleep in their room, Louise misunderstands her presence and blows Saito up in anger about breaking his promise not to cheat on her. Source: Wiki

Première diffusion : 11 février 2012

Elves from the Desert

S1 E7 Elves from the Desert

The Genso Siblings (Jacque, Doudou, and Janet) attack Ornières to kill Saito, so a battle between them and Saito and co. breaks out. As the battle goes on, a trio of elves sneaks in to capture Tifa, but Saito confronts them. The fourth sibling, Damian, appears and uses alchemy to cease the fighting, and one of the elves uses that magic with his own to capture both Tifa and Saito. The two awaken in a desert oasis and meet their captor, a female elf named Luctiana. At Tristain, Henrietta tells Louise they cannot send a rescue party since Romalia is handling the situation, but Louise resolves to save Saito anyway. Luctiana tells Saito and Tifa she is holding them to study human culture, and also reveals the reason why they were kidnapped was because Tifa is a void mage, a power which elves fear, and because Saito is Gandlafr. As Louise prepares to leave she is joined by Siesta and Tabitha, who are then joined by the rest of their friends on the Ostland. Saito and Tifa try to escape, but are unable to since a magic binds them to the area. Saito assure Tifa that they will escape, and the two decide to go for a swim in the oasis, where Saito discovers a submerged fighter jet. Source: Wiki

Première diffusion : 18 février 2012

Escape Through the Sewer

S1 E8 Escape Through the Sewer

Saito and Tiffa are able to escape the land of the elves thanks to the efforts of Lukshana, and her uncle. These helpers are now considered as traitors who have sided with a void mage, Tiffa. Saito also became Tiffa`s familiar when they kissed. Meanwhile, Louise concentrates on her desire to meet Saito, and vice-versa. That causes a large magic hole to open, which is the escape route and Saito hugs Louise. Source: Wiki

Première diffusion : 25 février 2012

Tabitha's Coronation

S1 E9 Tabitha's Coronation

The group arrives in Beautis, Gallia`s capital, and begins to ready for Tabitha`s coronation. Because Tiffania and Saito are getting closer together, Louise and Siesta worry that Tiffa might try and seduce Saito, so Louise then plans on reminding him who his original master is. Meanwhile, Luckshana and Ari are given a guest suite to stay in for the duration of the coronation. Guiche and Malicorne are asked to guard the two and stop them from disrupting the ceremony, but Lukshana insists on trying to leave and explore, and while attempting to stop her Guiche and Ari begin to argue. Saito arrives and asks for the two to get along, which they reluctantly agree to. Later, Louise requests that Saito help her get dressed in preparation for Tabitha`s coronation ceremony, and as Saito nervously tightens her dress, he notices Louise`s breasts have grown slightly. Louise asks if Saito regards her as his only master, but before he can answer Tiffania suddenly bursts in, asking that Saito help with her own dress. Louise chooses to handle it instead, but due to her unique breast size the button breaks and her breasts are revealed. Some time later, Luctiana escapes the guest suite and Guiche, Ari and Malicorne head out to look for her together. Princess Henrietta calls Louise, Saito, Tiffania are called to the palace`s throne room, where the Pope and Gulio are also present. After congratulating Tabitha on her accepting the role of Gallia`s new queen, Louise explains how her new Void magic, known as the "World Door," was used to rescue Saito and Tiffania, followed by Saito revealing his new runes to His Eminence who identifies them as Liveslatille; god`s heart, which allows him to boost the power of a Void user`s magic. While returning to their rooms, the trio run into Kirche and Montmorency and agree to spend a girls-only night with Tabitha and Sylphid to celebrate her upcoming coronation and their last night together. While going to Tabitha`s room, the four find Guiche questioning a maid as to Lukshana`s location, with Montmorency mistaking the situation as flirting. Seeing how Guiche and Montmorency`s relationship is similar to his own with Lukshana, he and Ari come to an understanding and return to the guest suite. The girls run into Lukshana outside of Tabitha`s room, and she and Montmorency also come to get along. The following morning Tabitha is crowned the new queen. While preparing for the party following the coronation, Louise brings up her question from the previous day. Saito states that who his first master is irrelevant, because his love is only for her. Worrying that they`d be late for the party he goes on ahead, leaving Louise behind. While searching for him she overhears a conversation between the Pope and Gulio, discussing a consequential side-effect of Saito`s new-found familiar power: while his new runes give him the power to boost Void magic, the user`s strength gradually diminishes with every use, which would eventually result in the user`s death. His Eminence had failed to inform Saito of this as he feared that the consequences would frighten him, as well as knowing that this power would be required to overcome a peril that could threaten the entire world. Shocked at hearing this, Louise worries that she`ll lose Saito. Source: Wiki

Première diffusion : 3 mars 2012

The Awakening of Calamity

S1 E10 The Awakening of Calamity

Louise and Saito are seen dancing in the grand ballroom after Tabitha`s coronation, with Louise lost in the thought of Saito`s life-risking Liveslatille power. The next day Siesta walks into Louise and Saito`s room to see Louise sitting on the edge of the bed. Agnes arrives and informs Louise that she, Saito, and Tiffania are called on by Princess Henrietta. Henrietta then tells them that the Pope of Romalia has requested their help, and calls upon Sylphid to escort them there. Upon reaching Romalia they see Aquileia being engulfed in flames and are attacked by a swarm of dragons. Gulio rescues them from a fire blast launched by an enormous dragon and escorts them to Romalia. The Pope requests the trio`s help to stop the legendary "ancient dragon," and asks that Saito uses his new-found abilities to stop it, to which Louise objects. When they arrive at the location where they will confront the dragon, Louise informs Saito of the consequences of using Liveslatille`s power, but he agrees to use them to protect Romalia and Louise. The accompanying army trap the dragon in a valley, and the Pope uses his Void magic on the dragon and its` army; it usually functions as a recovery spell, but has a damaging effect against entities of evil. Saito uses his powers to strengthen His Eminence, but the ancient dragon possesses Gulio`s dragon, causing it to move towards the dragon`s mouth as it begins blasting them with fire. Derflinger demands that Saito draws him to absorb the attack, but the dragons power proves too much and Derflinger shatters, propelling Saito off the back of the possessed dragon only to be caught by Louise and Tiffania. Knowing he can no longer fend off the dragon with his magic, the Pope shoves Gulio off the back of his dragon, rescuing him at the cost of being eaten by the ancient dragon. Source: Wiki

Première diffusion : 10 mars 2012

Louise's Choice

S1 E11 Louise's Choice

Everyone regroups in Gallia’ royal palace to assess the situation: while the Ancient Dragon has stopped moving, but is not dead, and now with only two Void mages the chances of defeating it is low. Old Osmond is called in to see if the dragon can be stopped, and he states that they may have a chance if all the nations band together, to which Henrietta, Tabitha, and Julio agree to. Saito awakens and, despite being depressed about losing Derflinger, resolves to keep fighting, causing Louise to fear for his safety. Saito remembers the fighter jet at Luctiana’s oasis, but since it is run down, he and Louise decide to use her World Door spell to travel to Saito`s world (Japan) and acquire a new one for the upcoming battle. Using Saito’s Lifdrasir powers, Louise opens a door to Japan, but when Saito steps through Louise openly states she loves him for the first time and lets go of his hand. Saito confused with the situation understands to late that Louise is saving him by forcing him to stay in the safety of his own world, they keep looking at each other till the `door` closes. Louise`s friends watching this happen cry about what just happened as is she, still she`s able to move on with the thought of Saito being safe in his own world. Everyone begins to mobilize, and Osmond informs Louise and Tiffa that while the power of the Void can defeat the Ancient Dragon, it consuming a Void user will empower it, thus the two girls will be the dragon’s next target. Osmond mentions that the battle will be held at the Magic Academy since it has been evacuated, but upon arriving find out no one has left. All of Louise’s friends, including Siesta, Luctiana, Arie, and even the Gensou Siblings assure her they will fight together to save their world. Back in Japan, Saito tries to return to Hakelginia by visiting the spot from where he was summoned, but to no avail. The Ancient Dragon awakens, assuming a new form with wings and takes flight, obliterating the fleet that was monitoring it, and makes its way towards the Magic Academy, Tiffania, and Louise. Source: Wiki

Première diffusion : 17 mars 2012

Zero's Familiar

S1 E12 Zero's Familiar

The students of the Magic Academy set a barrier to hold off the Ancient Dragon and its minions while waiting for reinforcements. Meanwhile, Saito returns home but instead of getting in he decides to find a way to return to Hakelginia, to help Louise and the others, and has an idea upon looking on a newspaper. Despite the combined efforts of the students and the forces of Tristain (armed with the FlaK 36), Gallia, Romaila, and an Elven fleet led by Vitartial, the dragons break into the academy and Louise escapes with Tiffania on Sylphid to protect the others, as the Ancient Dragon`s target is only the two of them. Back on Earth, Saito manages to hijack a F-2A Jet Fighter and flies through a solar eclipse to return to Hakelginia, fires missiles on the Ancient Dragon, that saved Louise before she was about to be eaten by it. Derflinger appears before Saito, much to his surprise it is revealed that Derflinger was actually still alive inside Saito`s Gandálfr rune. Saito fires all of the fighter`s missiles onto the Ancient Dragon, but it only weakens its defenses. Louise contacts Saito through the World Door and he pulls her through it into the cockpit to have her cast the Explosion spell combined with Lifdrasir`s power on the dragon, but she refuses out of fear for his safety. Saito tells her he will not die no matter what and reassures Louise with a kiss, finally convincing her. Closing in on the dragon, Saito and Louise eject from the jet as it crashes into the dragon, further weakening it, and then Louise casts the enhanced Explosion spell, destroying the Ancient Dragon for good. Saito and Louise land safely but she gets desperate wondering if his life was estinguished by Lifdrasir`s side effect it is revealed that despite Lifdrasir`s power was exhausted, Saito`s other rune kept him alive. They are soon joined by all their friends, which prompts Saito to propose to Louise, which she happily accepts. Sometime later at a church, Saito and Louise get married as everyone watches them tour away on their carriage. Back at De Ornielle, Louise has a surprise for Saito. She uses the `World Door` spell to create a way to Japan for Saito, where he shows her all wonderful things of his world. The last scene shows Saito and Louise standing in front of his house. Source: Wiki

Première diffusion : 24 mars 2012