Saison 5

75 épisodes

(7 h 15 min)



Saison 1

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Saison 5

Saison 6


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The Comet Over Antares

S5 E1 The Comet Over Antares

On the day of Geng Shen (57th of a 60 year cycle) an escorted carriage arrives at Ocean Moon Villa on the coast. The Qin Prince Fusu greets Li Si and they sit down to eat a special delicacy, bear paw served on fish fins. Suddenly assassins dressed as kitchen staff attempt to kill them, but are intercepted by the Shadow Division under General Zhang Han. Suddenly the last assassin disguised as Li Si lunges towards the prince, but is intercepted and stabbed, however he uses a smoke trick to escape. When the real Li Si arrives later, the elaborate decoy operation was explained to him. General Zhang Han detects someone watching from a distance and gives chase it’s Dao Zhi. The escaped assassin is later killed in the forest by his replacement as punishment for failure. It is revealed that this event took place during the passing of the comet over Antares in the 36th year, Eastern Province.

Première diffusion : 25 décembre 2014

Vertical and Horizontal Alliance

S5 E2 Vertical and Horizontal Alliance

Dao Zhi is pursued by General Zhang Han and the Shadow Division and is eventually captured. Dao Zhi calls him a “Bum Beetle” for his persistence in trying to catch him. On board the Mirage, the officials investigate the crashed Zero White Tiger machine and begin a search for its pilots. Tianming, Shaoyu and Shi Lan set out to find Yue-er onboard the Mirage. Although Dao Zhi was captured near Ocean Moon Villa, Li Si believes that because the Mohists philosophy is pacifism and based on defence, the assassination attempt was not their doing and possibly that of the mercenary Quicksand group who have never really been loyal to the Qin Empire. However he thinks it unlikely that they are allied with the Mohists. It does appear however that the two groups formed an alliance, following Zifang’s intervention explaining that Quicksand and the Mohists have nothing to gain be fighting each other when the Qin is their mutual enemy. They agree to cease hostilities after he shows them a restored Wushuang following his friendship with Tianming.

Première diffusion : 26 décembre 2014

The Ways of Yin and Yang

S5 E3 The Ways of Yin and Yang

General Meng sees an inscription on a molten meteor saying that the Huns will be the destroyers of Qin and sends a message to notify the king, 800km away. Then king is dealing with the many official petitions that he receives daily, but at news of the Huns he orders that no force be spared to defeat them. At Ocean Moon Villa the Qin suspect the Pao Ding must have instructed the assassin chef how to cook the bear paw served on fish fins dish. Zifang reveals to the Mohists that Dao Zhi’s capture was a plot for him to find Pao Ding. Qin forces in Shanghai begin to suspect collusion between the Mohist and Confucian schools. When the prince is shown a sketch of the new young Moist leader, Tianming, he recognises him as the one who saved him from bandits earlier (Episode 3-32). The Mohists consider the events of the failed assassination attempt, and conclude it is the product of an internal power struggle within the Qin Empire. The Moon Goddess begins teaching Yue-er the five levels of Yin-Yang arts and Prince Fu Su plans a visit to the Confucians village. General Zhang Han suspects that Dao Zhi planned his capture to attempt to free Pao Ding.

Première diffusion : 27 décembre 2014

Dawn of the Great Dream

S5 E4 Dawn of the Great Dream

General Zhang Han imprisons Dao Zhi in a high security prison cage, made of 5 metals. A Taoist junior master attempts to leave the school to join the Qin Empire, but is confronted by 4 other Taoists. Before the fight ends, an external force intervenes and disables the 4 other Taoists. The junior master reveals that he has the secret to kill Xiaoyao Zi (leader of the Human Clan). An unseen woman retrieves a container from him and leaves. On the Mirage, Star Wraith detects the presence of Tianming.

Première diffusion : 28 décembre 2014

Waiting at the Abyss

S5 E5 Waiting at the Abyss

The Confucian leaders discuss the assassination attempt, it’s implication for them, and the impending visit by the prince. In the Mirage, Star Wraith attacks Tianming, but is stopped by a powerful force originating from Yue-er, even though she is still under the control of the Moon Goddess. The Mohists discuss ways of freeing Dao Zhi and Pao Ding from Gnawing Teeth Prison, the only prison to successfully hold Shengqi. Compounding their difficulties, it was designed by Old Master Jiang Ziya based on the Mysterious Gates Escaping Armour Technique and its whereabouts is unknown. Dao Zhi mentally retraces his steps from the entrance of the prison to his cell and then pulls a thread from his clothes and begins weaving it. Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang use a Yin-Yang snake technique to find the location of the prison – under a seaside cliff. Zifang asks Wei Zhuang to help them with the prison rescue. Surprisingly he agrees and Ge Nie offers to go with him.

Première diffusion : 29 décembre 2014

Dancing Before the Court

S5 E6 Dancing Before the Court

Tianming, Shaoyu and Shi Lan are still trying to escape from the maze on the Mirage. Dao Zhi, prepares for his rescue, by talking and empathizing with his guard from the Zhao Kingdom. The Confucians also suspect the assassination attempt was part of an internal power struggle within the Qin Empire. When the prince arrives at the Junior Sage Village all of the Confucians greet him including Master Xun Kang (Xun Zi). At that moment they recognise each other from the episode with bandits and the Prince decrees that Master Xun Kang should receive an award, and asks about the youth he was with. Master Xun Kang answers carefully and provides very few details about Tianming.

Première diffusion : 30 décembre 2014

The North Tower

S5 E7 The North Tower

Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang enter the Qin Gnawing Teeth Prison from a sea cave. They use a secret Mohist knotted string code made by Dao Zhi as a map to find his location. Prince Fu Su visits the Confucians village and is taken into their library. Looking at recent bamboo scrolls the Prince reminds Fu Nian that the writing scripts of the six kingdoms has been abolished and only the singular script of the Qin Kingdom should be used. He mandates that all new writing must be in the Qin script. He also proposes that the debate today be conducted by swords rather than words. Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang rescue Dao Zhi who suspects that the power to drive the prison’s mechanisms is well hidden. In the search for Yue-er on the Mirage, Tianming, Shaoyu and Shi Lan find themselves lost in a maze of corridors, rooms and gardens. The Moon Goddess continues her search for information about the Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon (Eastern Constellation) using Yue-er, but Star Wraith is suspicious of her methods and motives.

Première diffusion : 31 décembre 2014

Debating the Tao Through Swords

S5 E8 Debating the Tao Through Swords

While trying to escape the maze on the Mirage, Tianming, Shaoyu and Shi Lan see the legendary colourful three-footed crow. We see a scene from the past when general Meng took the giant treasured cherry tree from the Chu people to be placed on the Mirage and Shi Lan is told to find the three-footed crow, messenger of the sun, which will guide her. The crow suddenly flies at Tianming and disappears, leaving him marked with a Mount Chu totem inscription. Using clues contained in the Mount Chu totem, Shi Lan finds a way out of the maze and onto the deck, only to be confronted by the Priestess of Death, Da Siming. At the Junior Sage Village, the official party enters the Hall of Swordsmanship and await Grand Master Xiaomeng of the Taoist's Heaven Clan who appears before them. The Taoist sword Xueji, is desired by both the Heaven and Human Taoist Clans and the owner is decided by contest 5 years. It is currently in the hands of Xiaoyao Zi, leader of the Taoist's Human clan who won it from Xiaomeng’s Senior Brother, Chisong Zi. Although young, she has been in isolation, training for the past 10 years. The contest of wits and swords will consist of 3 rounds with any number of contestants on each side. Duanmu Rong is still in a coma, and the Blood-Stained Jade Leaf Flower was damaged during the escape from the confrontation with the Yin-Yang group. Crimson Snake adds a leaf from the plant to venom from a Green-Scaled Fiery Snake to cure her, but requires the Mohists help in return for her assistance. General Zhang Han is notified that Dao Zhi has escaped and sets it motion the prison’s comprehensive defence mechanisms.

Première diffusion : 1 janvier 2015

If An Ancient Sword Is Encountered

S5 E9 If An Ancient Sword Is Encountered

They realise that by combining their separate skills, Tianming, Shaoyu and Shi Lan can successfully fight Da Siming on the Mirage. Dao Zhi, Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang try to solve the puzzle of the prison’s structure and mechanisms. Zifang challenges the 6 Sword Slaves of the Net Trap Group. However first he insists that the swords must be properly introduced. Brother Luanshen who stepped forward first is uncooperative and wants to commence the swordplay however, Zifang challenges them all simultaneously, preventing them from assisting General Zhang Han at the gnawing teeth prison. Meanwhile Dao Zhi manages to solve the puzzle of moving walls in the prison and leads the others to Pao Ding. General Zhang Han then begins flooding the passageways. The 6 Sword Slaves of the Net Trap Group draw their swords and attack Zifang, but as killing is prohibited they stop short, drawing only a drop of blood. Prince Fushu, feeling distaste at the bloodthirstiness of the 6 Sword Slaves, declares the bout a tie because Zifang’s verbal skills matched to the swordplay of his opponents. The 6 Sword Slaves leave to assist General Zhang Han at the prison.

Première diffusion : 2 janvier 2015

Oblivion in Invisible Light

S5 E10 Oblivion in Invisible Light

Tianming, Shaoyu and Shi Lan continue to fight Da Siming on the Mirage. She seems to have the upper hand, but Tianming draws more energy and power from the sword Momei, combining them with new recipes added to his Cow Dismembering Technique learned from Pao Ding. He also adds in the Taoist technique of Clear Sky After Snow, then Shi Lan uses the Butterfly Dream Escape to make them disappear. Da Siming withdraws, confident that the Fearsome Curse of the Six Souls on Tianming will soon cause his death. The second of the three challenges for Prince Fushu is between Shenqi and Yan Lu, the second household manager of the Confucius School. Yan Lu fights Shenqi with only a small jade carving, avoiding the many strokes of Shenqi's sword Juque with gymnastic abilities. To everyone’s surprise, Yan Lu’s carving then becomes a sword, Hanguang, the Invisible Sword. Yan Lu outclasses Shenqi, however by refusing to take advantage and striking when he can, he loses the bout by a narrow margin. Back at the prison the rebels are trying to escape the flooding water, and with the exit in sight, suspect additional traps.

Première diffusion : 3 janvier 2015

Guide of the Grand Duke

S5 E11 Guide of the Grand Duke

Tianming, Shaoyu and Shi Lan dress as members of an official party to find Yue-er. They find themselves in the cavernous Alchemy Room, a medicine storage section where Shaoyu believes Yunzhong Jun is making an elixir of immortality. Tianming decides to find the Artemisia Snow Wolf Poison to revive Duanmu Rong. Shaoyu finds a Chu symbol painted on the floor and they decide to follow its direction. The third of the three challenges for Prince Fushu is between Xiaomeng and Fu Nian, the head of Confucians. He lets Xiaomeng decide the type of contest, and she chooses internal force. The onlookers compare the history and virtues of Xiaomeng's sword Qiuli and Fu Nina's sword Taie. Back at the prison the rebels are caught in flooding water and end up back on the chamber where Dao Zhi was first imprisoned. They conjecture that there must be another exit from the chamber as it was originally a fortress. They believe that Jiang Ziya (also known as Taiong Wang or Grand Duke’s Hope) created escape routes in case enemies breached the defences. They eventually find the escape route, but just as they are about to leave, the Six Swords Slaves arrive.

Première diffusion : 4 janvier 2015

A Great Artwork Needs No Work

S5 E12 A Great Artwork Needs No Work

The contest between Xiaomeng and Fu Nian commences. She uses the Thousand Autumn Rivers technique to create characters on the water’s surface. He uses the Inner Sageliness and Outer Kingliness techniques to do likewise but his effort is more impressive. Elsewhere in the gardens Xun Zi sees a figure bypassing the guards and entering the library building, Xun Zi follows him in. The figure searches the scrolls, but is interrupted by Xun Zi’s presence and leaves. Xiaomeng and Fu Nian then demonstrate more impressive manipulations of water. Eventually Prince Fusu decides the outcome of the competition is no longer important. At the prison the Six Swords Slaves attack Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang, who fend off the first attack. Then General Zhang Han and the Shadow Division enter.

Première diffusion : 5 janvier 2015

Net Trap’s Thirst For Blood

S5 E13 Net Trap’s Thirst For Blood

Prince Fusu leaves the Junior Sage Village, with a reminder to Fu Nina about his edict on the use of written language. Tianming, Shaoyu and Shi Lan still in disguise, appear to have reached the centre of the Mirage where Yunzhong Jun is making an elixir of immortality. Unfortunately they are recognized, and it appears as if Moon Goddess recognized Tianming first. Shih Lan uses a Mount Wushu technique to help the three of them escape Yunzhong who tries to stop them; Moon Goddess stays a passive observer the entire time. At the prison the Six Swords Slaves press their attack on Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang who are only just able to keep them at bay. The guard from the Zhao Kingdom who Dao Zhi spoke to earlier (Episode 5-06) releases the metal cage to enable Dao Zhi and Pao Ding to escape, and is then speared by the other guards and dies. At the last moment, Wei Zhuang cuts the suspending chain, and the metal cage free-falls into a deep pit with the rebels and General Zhang Han on board, leaving the Six Swords Slaves behind with their wounds.

Première diffusion : 6 janvier 2015

Yin-Yang World Gaze

S5 E14 Yin-Yang World Gaze

The metal cage in the prison continues its free-fall as Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang battle General Zhang Han until it plunges into a deep underwater cave. They appear to be caught by a mechanical device, and a wounded General Zhang Han swims away. On board the Mirage, YunZhong Jun accuses The Moon Goddess/Lady Yueshen of not assisting him. She appears to have her own agenda. While the three children are pursued by the Yin-Yang disciples, Yunzhong Jun orders implementation of the Yin-Yang World Gaze Formation. Just as the children are surrounded by the Yin-Yang disciples, they all disperse. It's then that they see a huge eye peering at them from the ceiling which suddenly sends paralyzing needles (Quenching Hundred Days Anesthesia) at them, however Tianming is the only one hit. Shi Lan proposes they return to the Alchemy Room where there may be more messages from her brother who boarded the Mirage some time earlier. The underwater mechanical device that saves the rebels is a huge swimming turtle, piloted by the Mohists. Dao Zhi sorrowfully regrets having lied to the guard who gave his life to help them escape and promises to inform his family. There is an uneasy alliance between the Mohists and the Quicksand Group.

Première diffusion : 7 janvier 2015

The Purple Shell Water Pavilion

S5 E15 The Purple Shell Water Pavilion

Tianming offers himself a human shield against the paralyzing needles of the World Gaze eyes so Shaoyu and Shi Lan can reach the Alchemy Room. Lady Yueshen enters the Purple Shell Water Pavilion, containing a tank of gigantic fish, followed by Yunzhong Jun and Star Wraith, but she mysteriously disappears. Shaoyu and Shi Lan reach the Alchemy Room and use the paralyzing needles to immobilize the guards. Prince Fushu reprimands General Zhang Han and Li Si and assigns punishment for their failures to capture the rebels, but General Zhang Han says he has an alternative plan. As General Zhang Han leaves, Zhao Gao pledges his support to him. Yunzhong Jun and Star Wraith enter the Alchemy Room, discussing Lady Yueshen and her actions, also that only the Pure Dredging Pill can counteract the paralyzing needles, which is overheard by Shaoyu and Shi Lan. They discuss plans to win favor from the Eastern Emperor over Lady Yueshen who they now see as a rival. Meanwhile, Lady Yueshen returns to the Purple Shell Water Pavilion where she appears to reveal her plans for Yue-er to the three-footed crow.

Première diffusion : 8 janvier 2015

Gouyu in the Cloudy Sky

S5 E16 Gouyu in the Cloudy Sky

Yunzhong Jun and Star Wraith discuss their problem of Lady Yueshen and her close ties with the Eastern Emperor. Yunzhong Jun proposes using a Spirit Soul Pill which numbs the body when exposed to heat but Star Wraith suspects that Lady Yueshen will detect it and become suspicious. The three children overhear them talking and realize that Yunzhong Jun and the Yin Yang school were responsible for the death of the former Mohist leader, Six-Fingered Black Hero. Yunzhong Jun agrees to continue observing Lady Yueshen while Star Wraith will try to get more information about Qianlong (Yue-er). After they leave, the three children continue their search for the Cloud Sky Pavilion and enter a room with a nine-headed machinery snake (Nine-Headed Gouyu). Fearing a trap they come across a large medicine cabinet with many drawers. Using a partial code inscribed on it by Shi Lan’s brother and Tianming’s knowledge of puzzles they manage to disable the mechanical snake guardian by opening the drawers in a particular sequence. They retrieve a Pure Dredging Pill to counteract the effect of the paralyzing needles on Tianming. As they are about to leave, Yunzhong Jun returns suspecting intruders.

Première diffusion : 9 janvier 2015

Manipulated Ghosts in the Dark Chamber

S5 E17 Manipulated Ghosts in the Dark Chamber

Intrigued by a drawer in the large medicine cabinet with no label, Tianming tries to pull it open without success. When he pushes it in though, it triggers a secret passage and they manage to escape before Yunzhong Jun enters the Cloud Sky Pavilion. Yunzhong Jun is suspicious and sends a purple vapour into the secret passage. Tianming, Shaoyu and Shi Lan find themselves in a room with lifeless bodies covered in sheets. The three recall the time they saw the procession of 500 Immortal Child Fairies boarding the Mirage and suspect they were used by Yunzhong Jun for cruel experiments. They become dizzy and see the purple vapor, then the door opens and they are confronted by Yunzhong Jun. When they try to escape, Yunzhong Jun animates the lifeless figures of experimental men and they rise up to attack. Effected by Ghost Manipulation Pills they feel no pain. Yunzhong Jun recognises Shi Lan as a Yu Yuan Guardian, similar to one he says he caught earlier, Shi Lan’s brother. Yunzhong Jun leaves them to battle with the zombie-like figures who attack remorselessly.

Première diffusion : 10 janvier 2015

An Unexpected Confrontation

S5 E18 An Unexpected Confrontation

As Tianming, Shaoyu and Shi Lan are being overwhelmed by the zombie-like figures; one who appears to be the leader, with greater speed and skills, attacks them. It's only when Shi Lan breaks the wooden structure covering his head, does she realize that it's her brother and she refuses to fight him. Shaoyu manages to force open the trap-door exit enabling Tianming to escape while he stays to help Shi Lan. In the tunnel below Tianming again sees the three-footed crow. Meanwhile Prime Minister Li Si discusses with Zhao Gao the success of the Confucianists in the so called "debate" at the Junior Sage Village (Episode 5-10). He continues to plot their downfall while Zhao Gao's agents search for secrets in their library. Li Si sees Yan Lu with the invisible sword Hanguang as a weak point because of his seclusion. At a Qin quarry, defeated Chu soldiers are being put to hard labor and treated harshly. A former soldier is even forced to beat one of his own comrades. When a captured enemy agent is brought in, it's revealed to be General Long Ju, from the Chu Tribe.

Première diffusion : 11 janvier 2015

The Fighting Spirit of the Chu

S5 E19 The Fighting Spirit of the Chu

The Qin General pressures a former Chu soldier (Cao Jiu) to execute General Long Ju. Although the Cao Jiu was humiliated into beating one of his comrades, he resists at the last minute, remembering the Chu pride and rebels against the Qin soldiers, freeing General Long Ju. Long Ju shows no mercy, killing the Qin general, and holding up the Chu jade tiger talisman. He entreats the prisoners to remember their heritage and join with him, Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng and other exiled Chu soldiers who now surround the quarry. The Chu soldiers and prisoners overcome the Qin guards. Cao Jiu is remorseful for mistreating his comrade but is forgiven. The remnants of the Chu army reunite under General Long Ju and Fan Zeng and plan their strategy. With only about half of their forces, they realize they cannot fight the Qin directly. They reason that: the majority of the Qin’s forces are at Xiangyang; General Meng Tian was sent north with the Golden Fire Cavalry against the Northern Wolves tribe; Baiyue in the south has surrendered, but Emperor Ying Zheng has committed troops to hold power; and Shanghai has Zhang Han’s Shadow Division and Net Trap, but they must protect Prince Fu Su. Also, their young marshal Shaoyu is on the Mirage with Tianming and Shi Lan fighting the Yin-Yang School; although Fan Zeng believes they will prevail. Their biggest challenge is not having a commander-in-chief to lead them so they decide to wait while they search for Chu Nanggong and gather further intelligence. General Long Ju is sent to investigate the meteorite that fell during the Qin invasion and the passing of the comet over Antares (Episodes 100-102) whose inscription predicted that the Huns will be the destroyers of Qin.

Première diffusion : 12 janvier 2015

A Golden Peony

S5 E20 A Golden Peony

Master thief Ji Bu, whose face has never been seen, has threatened to steal the Night Pearl from a wealthy lord by midnight. The lord heard rumors of the thief’s intentions from Jiang Hu and engaged many men to protect the glowing orb. By altering the ringing of the hourly gong, Ji Bu manages to steal the precious object before the deadline. Ji Bu’s cat then delivers a golden peony leaf signifying that a promise he has made must be honored. He returns the Night Pearl to the lord and departs, promising to steal it again another day. Meanwhile Pao Ding tells the rebel leaders that while he was in the Qin prison he overheard that General Zhang Han ordered prisoners to be transferred to the eastern province. They think this may be related to the passing of the comet over Antares event. Meanwhile General Zhang Han of the Shadow Division seeks an audience with Xiaomeng, head of the Taoist Heaven Clan. The General delivers news that the Mohists are heading to the eastern province to rendezvous with Xiaoyao Zi, head of the Taoist Human Clan and that Prince Fu Su requests her presence. She reminds him that it is against Taoist doctrine to interfere in worldly affairs. He presses her to assist the Qin forces to eliminate conflict and maintain stability. She describes to him of the impermanence things such as flower petals and empires, and criticizes his Confucian doctrine. He leaves without any assurances of her support.

Première diffusion : 13 janvier 2015

The Shennong Resurface

S5 E21 The Shennong Resurface

Prince Fu Su leaves Shanghai in an armoured carriage for Xiangyang, seeing the devastation caused by the war along the way. General Zhang Han asks the Prince to speak favourably of him to the Emperor. He tells the Prince of a rumor heard via Lord Chang Ping that the Prince plans to take the throne by force. He mentions the assassination attempt at Ocean Moon Villa (Episode 5-01) indicating a threat to the Prince from within the Empire. Taoist leader Xiaoyao Zi says a storm is rising in Jianghu and the Shennong Order ("Shennong Ming") has reappeared as it does every 10 years. However, the last Xia Kui, died mysteriously three years ago and the Peasant School hasn't had a leader since then. Confucianist Zhang Liang (Zifang) says if it were not for the meteorite, the Shennong Order would never have come into play. The rebel leaders decide to separate for the moment. Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang take a path through the war-ravaged landscape, discussing the nature of Emperor Ying Zheng. Ge Nie predicts his Empire will eventually be defeated, as although he is the key, he is only human and has made many enemies. Prince Fu Su arrives at Xiangyang for his audience with the Emperor, encountering his younger brother in the courtyard.

Première diffusion : 14 janvier 2015

Hua Ying and the Wind Chaser

S5 E22 Hua Ying and the Wind Chaser

In Xiangyang, Emperor Ying Zheng is concerned about the threat from the Xia Kui and Confucianists and suggests using the Net Trap Organisation. Prince Fu Su reminds him of the arrangements to appease the Confucian School. Emperor Ying Zheng asks Prince Fu Su if he knows about the rumor and he admits he does. The Emperor then asks if knows about the fate of the allegedly rebellious General Bai Qi who had to take poison, not because of his actions, but because of the threat he posed. Ying Zheng acknowledges the inherent threat of a first-born prince and does not reprimand Prince Fu Su. In the Eastern Province, Xiaoyao Zi and Gao Jianli encounter a Qin general assisted by Zhongli Mei checking identification and are questioned. A young stranger, Han Xìn, intervenes and prevents a confrontation between the Qin general and Gao Jianli and Xiaoyao Zi. Just then, the procession of Lady Hua Ying of the Drunken Dream House passes by. Xiaoyao Zi and Gao Jianli realize she is from the Peasant School. The General prepares to search her palanquin, but she shows the badge of the Commander-in-Chief and he lets her pass. As Xiaoyao Zi and Gao Jianli leave, they are seen by Zhongli Mei who fires an arrow at them which barely misses. Gao Jianli realizes that Zhongli Mei knows the Wind Chaser archery skill. When Zhongli Mei follows the two Mohists into a narrow path, Han Xìn blocks his way.

Première diffusion : 15 janvier 2015

The Poisonous Throne

S5 E23 The Poisonous Throne

Zhongli Mei and Han Xìn are old acquaintances, but before he can follow the rebels, Zhongli Mei is called away. Han Xìn then encounters Da Tiechui, Xiaoyao Zi and Gao Jianli who ask why he helped them but his only response is that it's to his benefit. In Xiangyang, the spring ceremony proceeds, but Prince Fu Su and the palace guards are drugged and a group of soldiers attack the Emperor. Prince Fu Su and the Emperor's own special guards intervene and save the Emperor. The Emperor suspects the involvement of the Shennong Order and requested Zhang Han to carry out an investigation. He is suspicious of his 18th son Hu Hai, who, although wounded in the attack, did not drink the drugged water from the Wei River. Hu Hai's actions are praised by a messenger from Zhao Gao and reveals that he is involved in a plot against the Emperor. Meanwhile, although the Emperor trusts Prince Fu Su he is disappointed with his failure to foresee the assassination attempt and banishes him to assist General Meng Tian against the Northern Wolves.

Première diffusion : 16 janvier 2015

Leaping Dragon, Soaring Falcon

S5 E24 Leaping Dragon, Soaring Falcon

Zhongli Mei returns to see a group of villagers surrounded by Qin soldiers. The General falsely accuses them of deluding people using the stone of Mars and orders their execution. Zhongli Mei intervenes to spare them and The General orders him killed, however he's reminded that as a sergeant of the Qin, Zhongli Mei must have a trial. At that moment Da Tiechui, Xiaoyao Zi and Gao Jianli with General Long Ju intervene and attack the Qin soldiers. When the cowardly General is threatened by Long Ju, Zhongli Mei rises to defend him. The two engage in a fierce battle but they are evenly matched. Finally they agree to part. As the rebels take the villagers to safety, Zhongli Mei tells them of a sheltered valley in which they can avoid Qin forces. Meanwhile the fleeing General encounters a young girl and a warrior, Ying Bu. He demands to know who they are, but the warrior responds by cutting off the head of the general's horse with an axe. Intimidated by the man's skill, the general lets them leave and the pair walk off together. Meanwhile Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang arrive at the home of the Zhu Jia leader of Shennong Hall, strongest of the Six Halls and a master of disguise.

Première diffusion : 17 janvier 2015

Thousands of People, Thousands of Faces

S5 E25 Thousands of People, Thousands of Faces

Zhu Jia says does not know the source of the Shennong Order which he shows to Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang so they leave Shennong Hall. Meanwhile Grand Master Xiaomeng is meditating when Taoists try to retrieve a box she stole from the Human Clan Taoists (Season 5, Episode 4). Xiaomeng recognizes the Taoist attackers as disciples of the "traitorous Muxu Zi" of the Human Clan and easily kills them. At the Drunken Dream House, master thief Ji Bu speaks to Lian Yi, a woman he desires and has sent numerous gifts that lie unopened, vainly seeking some sign of affection from her before he departs on a mission. Just after he leaves, Lady Hua Ying arrives. Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang speculate that the creator of the Shennong Order must have connections within the Empire's courts. A rider from Lieshan Hall asks Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang to meet his leader Tian Meng, a rival of Zhu Jia for being the Xia Kui. When they arrive at Lieshan Hall, they find everyone dead, they see a motionless Tian Meng standing and looking out the window. Elsewhere, the eunuch Zhao Gao is seen pouring himself some wine and chuckling about whether or not the divine Peasant School is able to live forever.

Première diffusion : 18 janvier 2015

As Swift as a Thunderbolt

S5 E26 As Swift as a Thunderbolt

Tian Meng is dead, with blood dripping from his standing corpse. The visit was a trap for Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang and suddenly thousands of poisonous needles shoot out from Tian Meng's body forcing them back. Members of Lieshan Hall arrive and assume Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang are the murderers, but they escape. Camped on a cliff top, they discuss the inevitable carnage in the Peasant School as the various factions fight for the right to be Xia Kui. Tian Hu finds his brother’s body and swears vengeance against Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang. Tian Zhong, leader of Gongong Hall, convinces him that their real enemy is Zhu Jia. Tian Hu agrees and vows to be the new Xia Kui so he can order the six halls to take vengeance against Zhu Jia. Meanwhile, Zhao Gao gives orders for Jing Ni (one of the Eight Swordsmen of the King of Yue and belonged to the first class) to act "according to plan". In the north, Prince Fu Su continues to ride with his troops to meet general Meng Tian, managing to shake off the following wolves. Also in the north, General Meng Tian confronts Tou Man, a Xiongnu chief of the Northern Wolves at his fortress, saying that in no more than half and hour, he can destroy the fortress wall using only 10 men. If he fails, he will commit suicide in front of Tou Man. However, if he succeeds, he will take the chief's right ear and the chief and his people are to leave the Qin borders.

Première diffusion : 19 janvier 2015

As Unpredictable as the Sky

S5 E27 As Unpredictable as the Sky

Two story-lines run concurrently within the episode. Chief Tou Man accepts Meng Tian's challenge. Using only 10 men at a time, Meng Tian sets the fortress wall on fire with oil and fire arrows, then sprays it with cold water. The stress causes the fortress wall to crack. It then breaks after Meng Tian shoots a final arrow at it. Tou Man falls as the wall collapses and his Xiongnu soldiers flee in fear. Meng Tian cuts off the chief's right ear, to partly collect on the wager, but a warrior woman attacks Meng Tian with twin chakrams. She unseats a Qin warrior and rides off with Tou Man. Meng Tian and the Qin soldiers charge in pursuit. Back on the Mirage, Shaoyu awakens to find he and Shi Lan are chained. Yunzhong Jun recognizes Shi Lan as a Yu Yuan Guardian of Mount Shu and plans to make her subservient like her older brother Yu Zi Qi. He orders Yu Zi Qi to feed Shaoyu five Ghost Manipulation Pills, not just one, because of his superhuman strength. Shaoyu is forced to take the pills and faints. Meanwhile, Tianming has fallen to the bottom of the hole (Season 5, Episode 18). He sees the three legged crow and follows it into a cavern devoid of warmth. He sees a woman is standing within a blue central podium and he asks who she is.

Première diffusion : 20 janvier 2015

The Rising Sun

S5 E28 The Rising Sun

Meng Tian chases the female warrior and Tou Man. He dodges a spear that suddenly flies at him through the air and his army is confronted by soldiers in a mountain gorge ahead. Thinking they are disorganized slaves of the Northern Wolves, Meng Tian decides to charge, but finds that they are highly disciplined Roman Legionnaires and cause many casualties against Meng Tian's cavalry. Meng Tian and the leader of the Legionnaires face off. Back in the ice cavern, Tianming approaches the mysterious woman, but ice forms over his feet and then covers his whole body. She tells Tianming he is in a place of eternal winter and no life can survive there. In a vision Tianming sees his predecessor, Yan Dan. The woman appears to read his thoughts and is surprised to hear Dan is dead. When Yan Dan inquires about what happened to him and how Tianming came to possess his inner strength, Tianming becomes suspicious. The vision of Dan morphs into the three legged crow and Tianming breaks himself out of the ice. He summons the sword Momei, but it is easily taken from him by the woman, who appears familiar with Mohist arts, the former Mohist leader and Momei.

Première diffusion : 21 janvier 2015

A Lord's Dream Fades like Smoke

S5 E29 A Lord's Dream Fades like Smoke

Meng Tian and the leader of the Roman Legionnaires engage in a fierce battle, but are evenly matched. When Meng Tian's main forces arrive, the Legionnaires slowly retreat and Meng Tian decides not to pursue them and returns to the city. Upon his return he is greeted by a dejected Fu Su, who had recently arrived. Meng Tian tells Fu Su that he is in danger because of his family connection with Lord Changping who did the Empire a great service, but also caused Ying Zheng to suffer his first major defeat against the six states. At the Mohist group, Zifang says it is clear the internal struggle in the Empire is to undermine Fu Su. Xiang Liang explains Lord Changping was the last emperor the Xiang family (of Chu state) pledged their allegiance to. Lord Changping suppressed the rebellion against the Han in Xinzhang started by Quicksand, but when Ying Zheng decided to attack the Chu a year later, he tricked Ying Zheng into sending an under equipped General Li Xin. Lord Changping turned against Li Xin who was utterly defeated, then he counter-attacked the Qin territories as the new commander of the Chu. Zifang finally understood the Xinzhang rebellion failure was due to an arrangement between Quicksand and Lord Changping. At the campsite with Ge Nie, Wei Zhuang suggests that Tian Meng was killed by someone familiar who caught him off guard and that the Net Trap Organization has infiltrated the Peasant School. Back at the ice cavern, Tianming boasts he is the Mohist leader. The woman says she's known two other Mohist leaders, and admits she killed Six Fingered Black Hero. At her admission, Tianming realizes she is Yan Fei.

Première diffusion : 22 janvier 2015

The Yi River Runs East

S5 E30 The Yi River Runs East

Tianming swears to avenge Yan Dan and Black Hero, but he is greatly weakened by the mystifying Fearsome Curse of the Six Souls in him. Yan Fei states that he must improve his inner strength to the highest 10th level, Universal Love, in order to defeat the Curse. This feat was not achieved by either Dan or Black Hero. Suppressing the pain from the curse, Tianming manages to pull Momei free of the ice. At this, Yan Fei, who is also the former Princess Consort of Yan Dan, begins to understand why Dan chose Tianming. The Mohists discuss how Lord Changping's father was a prince of Chu held hostage in Qin and his mother was a Qin princess. Lord Changping earned Ying Zheng's utmost trust and was made prime minister. During the war between Qin and Chu, Xiang Liang and his father had a secret meeting with Lord Changping, where all the schemes and plans started. When the Chu fought 600,000 Qin soldiers they lost because they were outnumbered. Xiang Liang's father killed himself, refusing to surrender and Lord Changping committed suicide on the city wall, shedding his blood on his homeland. The Mohists helped Shaoyu to escape. Because Fu Su's mother and Ying Zheng's queen was Chu, the Net Trap Organization used Ying Zheng's hatred of Chu and Lord Changping to turn him against Fu Su. However the attempted assassination was obvious to Ying Zheng who is not blind. Fu Su tells Meng Tian his Chu descent is a shackle, but Meng Tian tells Fu Su to look at things from the Emperor's viewpoint. Sending Fu Su North to Meng Tian was to protect him. Fu Su realizes the truth of this and swears not to disappoint his father again. He then collapses from being poisoned. In a flashback to years earlier, the former Xia Kui is discussing with a young Yan Dan a possible way to get an assassin within 10 steps of Ying Zheng.

Première diffusion : 23 janvier 2015

Magnificent Burning Fire

S5 E31 Magnificent Burning Fire

In flashback, the former Xia Kui explains to Yan Dan the rapid expansion of the Peasant School through Chu and elsewhere was thanks to funding by Lord Changping, who also facilitated Yan Dan's escape from Qin and an assassination plan for Ying Zheng. Yan Dan took the plan to Black Hero who rejected it as contrary to Mohist philosophy which was overheard by Yan Fei. Later, Yan Dan becomes the new Mohist Leader after Black Hero mysteriously dies from the Fearsome Curse of the Six Souls. He confronts his wife, knowing She is responsible. She explains she did it for Yan Dan and their daughter Yuer; but he suspected it was because of her background as Lord Dongjun of the Yin Yang School and rejected her, leaving her heartbroken. Back in the present, Yan Fei notes that Tianming is at least at the 7th level of Universal Love. She is amazed at two things: One, he carries both the Moon Goddess's curse, Mark of Closed Eyes (one of the eight curses of Yang) and this curse neutralizes the contradictory Fearsome Curse of the Six Souls (one of the eight curses of Yin). Second, his body contains not only Dan's strength but she guesses also that of Ge Nie, his second Master. Tianming swears to defeat her, but when he also declares his intention to save Yuer, she heals him and makes the curse dormant for the time being. She also helps Dan's and Ge Nie's strength flow inside him to work together, rather than counteract each other, as they had been doing. She then entreats Tianming to save her daughter, Yuer, also known as Jiru Quan Long, from the clutches of the Moon Goddess.

Première diffusion : 24 janvier 2015

Heavenly Light Burns

S5 E32 Heavenly Light Burns

Tianming wakes alone and sees the three legged crow formed by Yan Fei's spirit. Her voice tells him to follow the crow as it will lead him to Qian Long (Yuer). Star Wraith visits Gonshu Jia while he is examining the broken white tiger that crash landed on the Mirage. Star Wraith convinces Gongshu Jia to part with the top secret design for the Mirage in exchange for the Mohist’s weapon, Feigong. Shaoyu awakens but seems unaffected by the Ghost Manipulation Pills. Yu Zi Qi had secretly slipped in an immortality pill into Shaoyu and tells him to escape with his sister Shi Lan. Shaoyu knocks out Yu Zi Qi, who cannot control his body when affected by the purple vapors, and defeats the remaining zombies. Yunzhong Jun pulls out his 13th ranked sword Tianzhao (Heavenly Light). While following the crow Tianming discovers his powers have increased tenfold after Yan Fei broke through the Eight Veins of Jing to access his inner strengths and allow them to flow through his body without counteracting/neutralizing each other. He follows the three legged crow to find Qian Long who is being held by the Moon Goddess in the highest place of the Mirage, Moon Toad Temple.

Première diffusion : 25 janvier 2015

The Phantom Bewilders the Mind

S5 E33 The Phantom Bewilders the Mind

Aided by his newfound strength, Tianming follows the three footed crow to the highest tower. Star Wraith arrives at the Moon Goddess's room and finds her locked in the Soul Interchange with Yuer. Yunzhong Jun fights Shaoyu, but when it is apparent Shaoyu's strength and speed are superior, he takes the Giant Phantom pill to make himself appear colossal in size. It takes some time before Shaoyu realizes that the size change is merely an illusion of the Yin Yang School, and swears to defeat Yunzhong Jun's illusion in three strikes. In his first two attempts, he does not manage to overcome the illusion and his fear to strike Yunzhong Jun's real body. In his third attempt, he throws down his weapon and asks himself what he is afraid of. He leaps at Yunzhong Jun, looking straight into his enemy's eyes, determined to defeat him.

Première diffusion : 26 janvier 2015

The Moon is Cold and Stars are Freezing

S5 E34 The Moon is Cold and Stars are Freezing

Tianming ignores Yunzhong Jin's sword in his attack, and the tables are turned. Shaoyu's attack sends Yunzhong flying back to the next room where the 9-headed mechanical snake lies dormant. Shaoyu frees Shi Lan but stumbles, feeling the effects of taking five Ghost Manipulation Pills and the Immortality Pill. Yunzhong Jun summons more zombies into the room, but in response, Shi Lan activates the mechanical snake. The beast attacks everything and everyone. Eventually the floor collapses and the machine, Shaoyu and Shi Lan all fall into a void below. The effort of the battle with Yunzhong Jin, the fall, and the effects of the Ghost Manipulation Pills are too much for Shaoyu’s body. Shi Lan discovers that Shaoyu has lost his sight and his eyes are bleeding. Meanwhile, Star Wraith reveals that while the Moon Goddess is locked in the Soul Interchange with Yuer, her body is damaged by the Severed Soul Pill which is 10 times stronger than the Ghost Manipulation Pill. He uses his puppet technique on Yuer to control the Moon Princess and to try and gain access to the secrets within the magic music box. Tianming finally reaches the room with Yuer and attacks Star Wraith. While still controlling Yuer, Star Wraith duels Tianming with one hand.

Première diffusion : 27 janvier 2015

Dragon Cry of the Magic Music Box

S5 E35 Dragon Cry of the Magic Music Box

Shi Lan agrees to be Shaoyu's eyes and retrieves his weapon as they look for a way out together. Tianming continues to duel with Star Wraith, who notes he is much stronger with the help of Lord Dongjun. During the duel the music box begins to react, and yellow vapors pulse out. As Star Wraith fights Tianming, Yuer begins to regain consciousness and seeing Tianming, she calls out his name. A tear falls from her eye onto the music box which rotates wildly and then all movement in the room halts. Slowly, the yellow vapors from the box begin to form a giant yellow dragon outside the tower window. Meanwhile, Tian Hu and Tian Zhong travel to pay respects to Tian Meng and his daughter, Tian Yian (Ah Yan), vowing to avenge her father's death. At Shennong Hall, Zhu Jia is worried that he is being scapegoated for Tian Meng's death which has now provoked an open battle of the six halls for Xia Kui. Then Shengqi's arrival is announced. In a Qin camp, General Bai Tu shows the Stone of Mars to Jing Ni. When General Zhang Han arrives, Jing Ni secretly departs. Zhongli Mei is chosen to escort the Stone and reports his fight with Long Ju and his encounter with the Mohists in the eastern province. Zhang Han warns him of the new threat from the Peasant School who also seek the Stone of Mars.

Première diffusion : 28 janvier 2015

Six Halls of the Peasant School

S5 E36 Six Halls of the Peasant School

The Stone of Mars convoy is attacked and stopped by the lone shape-shifing, blade-wielding fighter, Gu Yao, who captures the Stone of Mars. In flashback to three days earlier, Shengqi tells Zhu Jia he joined the Net Trap Organization to find his brother. Zhu Jia however says his brother is not their captive, but has become their weapon against the Peasant School. He then asks for Shengqi's help to become Xia Kui and possibly defend the school against his brother. Meanwhile Ah Yan reasons with Tian Hu and Tian Zhong, saying neither Zhu Jia nor Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang are responsible for her father's death. She reluctantly agrees to help her uncle Tian Hu become Xia Kui on the condition her brother Ah Ci, top swordsman of the Peasant School, be left out of the struggle. Tian Hun grudgingly agrees and Ah Yan then swears to lead Lieshan Hall to help seize the Stone of Mars and Tian Hu in his quest to become Xia Kui. She argues that with Lieshan Hall (Tian Meng's Hall), Chiyou Hall (Tian Hu's Hall) and Gonggong Hall (Tian Zhong’s Hall) allied, Tian Mi (leader of Kuiwei Hall) will voluntarily seek to join them. When they ask how she knows, she merely answers "because of Shengqi."

Première diffusion : 29 janvier 2015

Flexible and Sturdy

S5 E37 Flexible and Sturdy

As Ah Yan predicted, Tian Mi indeed pays her respects to Tian Meng and swears to support Tian Hu for Xia Kui. Tian Hu promises to help Tian Mi kill Shengqi if he becomes Xia Kui. The General Director from Gonggong Hall, Mister Jin, arrives to report the Stone of Mars is being escorted to Luoma. Shengqi leaves Shennong Hall and Han Xin demands payment from Liu Bang for delivering him. Liu Bang wonders why he would help them when he is from Gonggong Hall, but Han Xin notes he received payment so all is well. The warrior with the young girl buries his armor, telling the curious girl that he must do something and is not worthy of wearing the armor. He says he will return and she assures him that she will hide and be good. While Gao Jian Li, Da Tiechui and Xiaoyao Zi are walking in Peasant School territoty, Xiaoyao Zi senses Grand Master Xiaomeng. He tells Gao Jianli and Da Tiechui to go ahead, while he stays behind to face Xiaomeng. Meanwhile General Zhang Han finds the remains of the ambushed convoy and deduces the killer was the assassin Gu Yao from Chiyou Hall.

Première diffusion : 30 janvier 2015

Thunderclap over Luoma

S5 E38 Thunderclap over Luoma

Tian Hu and Tian Zhong reflect that Gu Yao has begun the first step of the plan. They encounter Gao Jianli and Da Tiechui on the road and they cautiously greet each other. Gao Jianli cautions against open battle within the six Peasant Schools halls and warns that outside forces are trying to destroy the Hundred Schools of Thought. The Tians however dismiss the advice and ask them to step aside, supported by the sword of Mister Jin. Gao Jianli reminds Da Tiechui of the secret alliance between the former Xia Kui (for the Peasant School), the Xiang tribe of Chu, and Mohists, and the Azure Dragon plan started by Lord Changping. Only two Hall Leaders of the Peasant School knew of the pact --Zhu Jia of Shennong Hall and Tian Meng (now deceased). The two of them see Gu Yao of the Chiyou Hall pass below their cliff side on a chariot carrying the box with the Stone of Mars and realize that Tian Hu has made his move. Gu Yao's chariot is intercepted by the powerful and armoured Dian Qing of the Shennong Hall. After a fierce, but inconclusive battle, Gu Yao flees, leaving the box. When Liu Bang opens the box, it explodes, and each of the Mohist and Shennong Hall groups realize that it was a decoy and the Stone was taken on another route - a route being watched by Mei Sanniang, as planned by Ah Yan. Also observing these events, General Zhang Han is convinced that someone within the Empire is behind the disturbances - suspicions he had already discussed with the Emperor.

Première diffusion : 31 janvier 2015

The Meeting of Man and Heaven

S5 E39 The Meeting of Man and Heaven

Everyone realizes the ambused convoy was a decoy. On the real convoy, Zhongli Mei is surprised to see Lady Hua Ying of the Drunken Dream House in the carriage with General Bai. Meamwhile Xiaoyao Zi encounters Xiaomeng and they begin a combat using powers which steadily escalate into highly destructive forces. Eventually, the battle ceases and Xiaoyao Zi asks Xiaomeng what she wants. She state that she achieved her objective of testing Xiaoyao Zi’s power and wants revenge for her Senior Brother Chisong Zi’s defeat 5 years ago. She also wants the sword Xueji, a symbol of leadership of all the Taoists. When he offers it to her in a gesture of peace, she says she will only take it by force before the Human Clan and render them irrelevant. Zhu Jia is confident in his plan to capture the Stone of Mars with his two secret agents, Master a Thief Ji Bu and Lady Hua Ying. However, on the road to Luoma, the convoy encounters the warrior Mei Sanniang of Lieshan Hall. She brings them to an abrupt halt and faces off with Zhongli Mei.

Première diffusion : 1 février 2015

Tiger Hidden Among Flowers

S5 E40 Tiger Hidden Among Flowers

Zhongli Mei and Mei Sanniang begin to fight, but Zhongli Mei's sword makes no impact on her iron-like skin. As the battle rages Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang continue to speculate on the motives of the Net Trap Organization. The convoy Qin soldiers then see that the master thief Ji Bu has taken possession of the Stone of Mars box, but they are unable to catch him. Observing from a hillside, Tian Hu orders Mei Sanniang recalled as it appears Zhu Jia will have the Stone of Mars via Ji Bu. Also observing, General Zhang Han speculates about the involvement of Ji Bu and possible links to Lord Changping. Meanwhile, despite Zhongli Mei’s best efforts, Ji Bu escapes with the box. After seeing the events unfold, including the successful theft of the box, Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang believe that General Zhang Han has other motives, allowing the box to be lightly guarded in his ultimate goal of fishing for a bigger catch. Back at his headquarters, Zhang Han receives a letter from Meng Tian stating that rebels still threaten the Empire and Prince Fu Su is gravely ill from being poisoned; however enemies within the Empire and the court are a far greater threat. Back in the north, Meng Tian is notified that the prince is awake.

Première diffusion : 2 février 2015

Calm Wind, Moving Forest

S5 E41 Calm Wind, Moving Forest

Prince Fu Su recovers slightly, and the poison is suspected to originate from the Wolf Clan. Meng Tian gives a physician the responsibility of keeping the prince alive, under penalty of death for him and his family, while Meng Tian leaves on official business. Meanwhile Zhongli Mei chases Ji Bu to retrieve the Stone of Mars and Tian Hu wonders if the man Tian Mi, hired, Ying Bu, is up to the job of stopping Ji Bu. Zhongli Mei and his men come across an old disabled farmer, but it is a trap and the 'disabled farmer' attacks with expert precision and kills the Qin soldiers. He then attacks Zhongli Mei who eventually gains the upper hand. Tian Hu appears on the scene and prepares to take on Zhongli Mei, however Mister Jin volunteers to dispose of Zhongli Mei instead. Elsewhere, Zhu Jia's ally, Situ head of Siyue Hall has a secret rendezvous with Ah Yan.

Première diffusion : 3 février 2015

Observing Like Falcons and Wolves

S5 E42 Observing Like Falcons and Wolves

General Zhang Han decides General Bai should be executed for his incompetence in not effectively protecting the Stone of Mars and locks him in a cage. Xiaoyao Zi meets with Gao Jianli and Da Tiechui. He explains that there appers to be no possibility of reconciliation of the Human Clan with the Heaven Clan and also that Xiaomeng has attained an exceptionally high level of skill. General Bai appears to escape but General Zhang Han has him followed. Meanwhile the wolf woman who rescued Chief Tou Man infiltrates Meng Tian's headquarters. Long Ju meets up with Gao Jianli's group and then Han Xin also arrives and makes a strange request - that they save the life of his friend Zhongli Mei. When questioned about his motives Han Xin reminds them that he saved their lives twice. They decline to help, so he asks Long Ju who appears to agree to the request. At the same time, Zhongli Mei is fighting for his life against Old Jin who easily defeats him with a sword through his body. Then, Tian Hu orders Old Jin to kill Zhongli Mei as he lies bleeding on the ground.

Première diffusion : 4 février 2015

Shadow Tiger, Thunder Leopard

S5 E43 Shadow Tiger, Thunder Leopard

Han Xin reminds Gao Jianli's group that the Xiang Clan owe the Mohist School a favour. He also reminds Long Ju of his mission to find four important people who have inherited the military strategies of wind, forest, fire and mountain, and Zhongli Mei is of the wind. Meanwhile, Long Ju arrives at the scene of the slaughter at the farm and follows a bloody trail hoping to find Zhongli Mei. Han Xin continues a cryptic conversation with Gao Jianli's group which he ends by saying only one person in the Peasant School is 'sober'. In the north, Chief Tou Man wants revenge against Meng Tian but is calmed by the advice that if Fu Su dies, Meng Tian will be held responsible. In Meng Tian's camp, the wolf woman prepares to kill Fu Su, but is caught in a trap set by Meng Tian who only pretended to leave. As Ji Bu carries the Stone of Mars box through the forest, he is stopped by the wandering warrior, Ying Bu. It appears they knew each other during a period when they were both leaders of Chu Army groups, Shadow Tiger and Thunder Leopard. When the Chu leader Xiang Yan and Lord Changping died in defense of the city, they had a bitter disagreement because Ji Bu stopped Ying Bu from making a vain suicidal attack against the Qin army.

Première diffusion : 5 février 2015

Battle to End the Grudge

S5 E44 Battle to End the Grudge

Ying Bu accuses Ji Bu of the destruction of the Thunder Leopard Army, not by war, but by idleness. They engage in a fierce battle, and Ji Bu eventually uses his Tiger Hidden Among Flowers technique to retrieve the Stone of Mars box. At that moment, Gu Yao and Mei Sanniang arrive on the scene, and Tian Mi advises Ji Bu to surrender. Back at the Qin camp, Meng Tian questions the wolf woman about an antidote for the poison effecting Fu Su. She does not respond so he leaves the camp with some troops, taking her with them. Meanwhile, General Zhang Han’s Shadow Division follows General Bai, also observed by Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang who suspect there is something important afoot. They track General Bai to a meeting with Jing Ni. Meanwhile, Ji Bu is surrounded and throws the Stone of Mars box to Ying Bu, and disappears. Just as Tian Mi thinks she has won, Shengqi arrives threatening to kill her. She reminds him of events of the past, and accuses Zhu Jia of lying to him, nonetheless he attacks her and he is intercepted by Gu Yao and Mei Sanniang. Just as Shengqi's sword Juque flies towards Tian Mi, Tian Zhong appears.

Première diffusion : 6 février 2015

Di Ze Battle Array

S5 E45 Di Ze Battle Array

Tian Zhong intercepts Shengqi who wants to be Xia Kui and applies his freezing Gongong Glacial Palm technique. Then the Peasant School fighters use their 24 Battle Array formation to surround Shengqi and thwart his attacks. Meanwhile, as General Bai meets Jing Ni, first-class assassin from Net Trap, who kills a Shadow Division soldier who sees them. Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang reveal themselves, then Wei Zhuang and Jing Ni attack each other, while a surviving Shadow Division soldier fires a flare notifying General Zhang Han. Back near the farmhouse, Long Ju encounters a woman from the group of villagers he saved earlier who are sheltering the badly wounded Zhongli Mei. Meanwhile, Shengqi is unable to penetrate the 24 Battle Array formation of his Peasant School opponents, a technique which Ying Bu realizes is much stronger than the individuals. Shengqi begins to find a flaw in their formation just as Tian Hu arrives and attacks Shengqi alone. The two competitors for Xia Kui fight, and although Tian Hu's sword, Hupo, is rated below Shengqi's sword, Juque, Tian Hu's improved skills prove effective against Shengqi and they appear evenly matched.

Première diffusion : 7 février 2015

Hunter Lurking From Behind

S5 E46 Hunter Lurking From Behind

As Meng Tian's group with the wolf woman pass through a ravine, she escapes and the troops are again confronted by the legionnaires. Shengqi and Tian Hu continue their fight, with neither victorious. The Peasant School fighters again form their 24 Battle Array with Tian Hu completing the formation which proves too strong for Shengqi. Wounded and bleeding, Shengqi escapes. Tian Hu threatens to kill Old Jin for allowing him to escape, but Tian Zhong intercedes and he is spared. Meanwhile Tian Mi and Ying Bu have left with the box. As Gao Jian Li and Da Tiechui approach Lieshan Hall, they are welcomed by Ah Yan, although Gao Jian Li detects the presence of Ah Ci, reputedly a powerful martial arts expert. Back with the villagers, Xiaoyao Zi uses his powers to heal Zhongli Mei and explains that although the final blow pierced his body, it mysteriously missed both the heart and lungs. On their way back, Tian Mi and Ying Bu encounter Zhu Jia and his men who have captured the young girl that Ying Bu befriended. Not wanting to be involved, Tian Mi escapes the situation using her See Flowers Through Mist technique, leaving both Ying Bu and the box behind.

Première diffusion : 8 février 2015

Tiger and Leopard Caged Together

S5 E47 Tiger and Leopard Caged Together

As Ying Bu confronts Zhu Jia and his Shennong fighters, Ji Bu suddenly intervenes, immobilizing Ying Bu and handing the Stone of Mars box to Zhu Jia. Later, Ying Bu awakes to find that Ji Bu rescued both him and the girl. Ying Bu reveals that she has a fatal illness which Tian Mi will cure in exchange for the Stone. At the Lieshan Hall, Gao Jian Li asks Ah Yan if the Mohists can help to stop the six Peasant Schools from fighting but she says no because of the Azure Dragon plan. Her father Tian Meng was the Peasant School’s representative with the knowledge of the plan, but the information died with him, including the name of the Xia Kui successor. Meanwhile, Meng Tian's group find Tian Mi who tells them that Zhu Jia has the Stone. Wei Zhuang pursues Jing Ni through the forest, but just as he is cornered, the General Zhang Han and his Shadow Division arrive. Jing Ni accuses Wei Zhuang of being a rebel, and calls in his Net Trap group. As the two groups close in on Wei Zhuang, Ge Nie arrives and accuses Jing Ni of killing the Shadow Division soldier with his distinctive sword. He says it left the same telltale mark as on the body of Tian Meng. Weighing up the information, Zhang Han realizes it was Jing Ni had been in the tent of Bai Tu with the Stone of Mars box at his camp (Episode 5-35).

Première diffusion : 9 février 2015

Shadows of the Night, Weaving Webs

S5 E48 Shadows of the Night, Weaving Webs

Meng Tian's group confronted the legionnaires in a narrow ravine, but manage to stall the legionnaires' advance by creating a rockfall. However while stalled, the northern wolves drop oil onto them from above and set the troops alight. Meng Tian and some of his men break free, but as they face the legionnaires an old white-haired man instructs them to follow him. Meanwhile Gao Jianli and Da Tie Chui are met by Old Jin who asks them to follow him. At Tian Hu's headquarters, he invites them to drink with him, but they suspect the wine is poisoned and manage to avoid drinking it. Back in the forest, Zhang Han accuses Jing Ni of treason as his patriotic words do not support his suspicious actions. Zhang Han instructs his Shadow Division to arrest Jing Ni and his Net Trap troops, and allows Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang to leave. Jing Ni then accuses Zhang Han of betraying the empire and orders his Net Trap troops to destroy the Shadow Division.

Première diffusion : 10 février 2015

The Sword Breaks a Dream

S5 E49 The Sword Breaks a Dream

After realizing that Tian Yan has spoken with the Mohists, Tian Hu has her confined to her house. Tian Hu accepts Gao Jianli's proposal for the Peasant School to join with the Mohists, but only if they help Tian Hu defeat Zhu Jia and him become Xia Kui. Gao Jianli however is unwilling to take sides in an internal conflict. Back in the forest, Zhang Han accuses Jing Ni of treason and their troops attack each other. They are evenly matched until Jing Ni calls in reinforcements outnumbering the Shadow Division. With all of Zhang Han's men killed Zhang Han alone faces Jing Ni and his Net Trap troops. However, a sudden intervention by Xiaomeng stops the fighting and Jing Ni decides to withdraw. Zhang Han asks her help to defeat Jing Ni, but she refuses to become involved and departs. At Tian Hu's headquarters, when Gao Jianli refuses to help Tian Hu in the internal Peasant School conflict, he and Da Tie Chui are attacked and only just manage to escape. Meanwhile Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang encounter Jing Ni in the forest, and Wei Zhuang easily defeats him, only to discover that it was a soldier in dressed as Jing Ni, further deepening the mystery about Jing Ni’s motives. They also meet the leader of the Taoist's Human clan, Xiaoyao Zi.

Première diffusion : 11 février 2015

Thunder Upon the Glacier

S5 E50 Thunder Upon the Glacier

Long Ju tries to convince Zhongli Mei of the brutality of the Empire, and its unsuitability for ruling the six states, but Zhongli Mei accuses him of wanting independence for his own state and remains loyal to the Emperor. Meanwhile the legionaires follow Meng Tian's group who are led into a large orchard of peach trees by an old soldier. Suddenly the legionaires are attacked by arrows raining down on them from Meng Tian's troops. After routing the legionaires, Meng Tian recognizes the sword carried by the old soldier as Zhenyue, the sword of General Li Mu of the Zhao, known as the Wolf Hunter. Meanwhile Tian Hu and his Peasant School fighters pursue Gao Jianli and Da Tie Chui to a lake where an all-out battle ensues that is a challenge for the two Mohists. Gao Jianli uses his Freezing River sword's power to freeze to surface of the water so they can escape to a small island in the lake.

Première diffusion : 12 février 2015