26 épisodes
(10 h 50 min)
S5 E1 • Walk and Roll
Discover the ingenious methods used to take an x-ray of a giraffe’s giant hoof. Then, an armadillo goes in for a check-up.
Première diffusion : 7 octobre 2017
S5 E2 • The Chimps Are Going Kookaburra
A cardiologist is called in to consult on a male chimp’s annual check-up. Plus, meet a kookaburra and a Tawny frogmouth, two unique Australian bird species.
Première diffusion : 14 octobre 2017
S5 E3 • All in the Sloth Family
The slow-moving sloth family is busy as dad, Mario, goes in for a check-up, and one-year-old Yiscel, makes strides as an animal ambassador. Then, a nyala calf breaks her leg.
Première diffusion : 21 octobre 2017
S5 E4 • Saving Stingray City
Join Dr. Dominique as she journeys to Stingray City in the Cayman Islands with world-famous conservationist and artist, Guy Harvey. Follow along as the team tracks the health of the stingrays, and find out if any are pregnant!
Première diffusion : 28 octobre 2017
S5 E5 • Rescuing White Rhino in South Africa
Journey with Dr. Mike on a conservation mission to the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Witness the amazing story of Thandi, the rhinoceros, and meet the compassionate conservationists devoted to returning and protecting Africa’s exotic and endangered wildlife.
Première diffusion : 4 novembre 2017
S5 E6 • Saving the Black Rhino from Extinction
On a journey to the heart of South Africa’s Eastern Cape, witness what dedicated conservationists, including a young boy, are doing to save the iconic black rhino, one of the world’s most endangered animal species, from extinction.
Première diffusion : 11 novembre 2017
S5 E7 • The Pride of the Eastern Cape
Discover the great lengths taken to keep the Eastern Cape lion population healthy for generations to come in Africa. And, meet the veterinarians and volunteers dedicated to protecting the animals in the area from poachers.
Première diffusion : 18 novembre 2017
S5 E8 • The Long & Short of Animal Medicine
Discover all there is to know about the American alligator, and find out the treatment needed when one injures its leg. Plus, find out what it means to be a veterinary extern as a college student experiences life as a Wildlife Doc.
Première diffusion : 25 novembre 2017
S5 E9 • Plight of the Penguins
Journey to South Africa to discover the great lengths being taken to bolster the endangered African penguin population, and meet dedicated teams across the world that have made it their mission to protect these penguins in peril.
Première diffusion : 20 janvier 2018
S5 E10 • The Doctor Will See You Now
Follow along as The Wildlife Docs make some medical house calls, including a visit to an Asian elephant with a tooth problem and a rare Malayan tiger with a lip issue. Plus, a young wallaby is due in for his first big exam!
Première diffusion : 27 janvier 2018
S5 E11 • Three Reptiles & a Big Cat
Follow along as a rescued baby jaguar from Panama, grows up and finds a new home in Florida. Plus, get up close and personal with some of the reptilian creatures that call Busch Gardens Tampa Bay home.
Première diffusion : 3 février 2018
S5 E12 • Let Me Introduce You
We’ll introduce you to some animals you may never have heard of… as a cotton-top tamarin, a gibbon, a hyrax and a hornbill visit The Wildlife Docs.
Première diffusion : 10 février 2018
S5 E13 • The Super Order of Xenarthrans
Discover what an armadillo, a sloth and an anteater all have in common. Follow along as they train to participate in their own health care, and then go in for their annual check-ups.
Première diffusion : 17 février 2018
S5 E14 • The Hippo & the Raven
Meet the park’s newest, youngest and adorable hippopotamus! Then, a raven, one of the world’s smartest species, takes a break from solving her favorite puzzles for a doctor’s visit.
Première diffusion : 24 février 2018
S5 E15 • Striped to the Quills
Witness the new treatment being used to help a Bengal tiger with arthritis. Plus, discover the exotic world of the echidna… a spiky species from Australia.
Première diffusion : 3 mars 2018
S5 E16 • Look Who's Having a Baby
Follow along as the team tracks the pregnancy of an orangutan. You won’t want to miss seeing the adorable new baby! Plus, the bongo and sable antelope herds are expanding, too.
Première diffusion : 10 mars 2018
S5 E17 • Croc-a-by-Baby
The endangered Southern white rhino population is on the uptake… in the wild, and at the park, as Kisiri gives birth to an adorable 140- pound calf. Then… listen up… as the new slender snouted crocodile hatchlings are making some noise.
Première diffusion : 17 mars 2018
S5 E18 • Looks Can Be Deceiving
Just because something is scaly… or prickly… or has a lot of legs, doesn’t mean you should turn away. We’ll introduce you to some creatures that get a bad rep just because of how they look.
Première diffusion : 7 avril 2018
S5 E19 • Vet Camp to Vet Tech
Three years ago Kelsey was a vet camper at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay. Today, she’s landed her dream job, as a vet tech, assisting The Wildlife Docs. Plus, a red kangaroo goes in for her first check-up while a Western grey needs surgery.
Première diffusion : 14 avril 2018
S5 E20 • Welcome to Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Meet a pair of tiny tenrecs, the largest species of porcupine and a tarantula, just three of the newest creatures to call Busch Gardens Tampa Bay home. Plus, a young sloth goes in for a CT scan.
Première diffusion : 21 avril 2018
S5 E21 • Saving Wild Rhinos in South Africa
Dr. Mike joins forces with a South African Wildlife Vet as they work to keep the white rhino population healthy. Plus, meet dedicated conservationists, including a young boy, who are doing their part to help save the iconic black rhino from extinction.
Première diffusion : 28 avril 2018
S5 E22 • Baby Day
You’ll be amazed to see how fast these babies are growing! Lions, lemurs, sloths, flamingos, an orangutan, hyena, wallaby and a giraffe too!
Première diffusion : 5 mai 2018
S5 E23 • A Family of Gorillas
A 350-pound silverback gorilla and his mom go in for their annual check-ups while two young gorillas make the most of playtime.
Première diffusion : 12 mai 2018
S5 E24 • The Fast and Slow of It
Discover what’s slowing down a usually fast cheetah. Plus, we’ll travel to South Africa to visit with a cheetah rescue and rehab facility. Then, take it slow with two, young Aldabra tortoises.
Première diffusion : 19 mai 2018
S5 E25 • Education to the Rescue
From summer camps to the animal ambassador program, discover how Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is educating the next generation about the importance of saving wildlife. Plus, seven otter pups need rescuing.
Première diffusion : 26 mai 2018
S5 E26 • Jump Into Conservation
Discover the amazing work being done by SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund recipients as they help animals across the globe. Then leap into action as an African bullfrog visits with park guests and The Wildlife Docs.
Première diffusion : 2 juin 2018