79 épisodes
(9 h 13 min)
S3 E1 • Someone's In the Kitchen With Mynah
Première diffusion : 1 octobre 2017
S3 E2 • When You Leash Expect It
S3 E3 • Opération fromagère
S3 E4 • Calamari Jerry
S3 E5 • Cattyshack
S3 E6 • Drone Sweet Drone
S3 E7 • Home Away From Home
Tom falls asleep in a rolled up carpet and wakes up somewhere quite unusual...
S3 E8 • From Riches to Rags
Jerry dreams of what life would be like if he were in charge.
S3 E9 • Chew Toy
Jerry has to rescue a hypnotized Tom from being sold as junk!
S3 E10 • A la diète
Tom volunteers to help Ginger's Pomeranian get into shape.
S3 E11 • Une tata en or
Rick and Ginger go on holiday, leaving Tom in nasty Auntie Louella's care.
S3 E12 • A Snootful
Tom must keep a visiting Persian cat from realising the manor has mice...
S3 E13 • Lame Duck
Tom and Spike join forces to take down a dastardly duck.
S3 E14 • It's All Relative
Jerry's cousin visits the abbey, and together they have some fun with Tom.
S3 E15 • Vegged Out
Jerry finds a trump card when he discovers Tom's fear of cucumbers.
S3 E16 • Frown and Country
Jerry gets lonely and wonders where he could meet a companion.
S3 E17 • Lost Marbles
Tom and Jerry must help a cat who has literally lost his marbles!
S3 E18 • Vocal Yokal
Little Quacker reveals a surprising - and money-making - talent.
S3 E19 • Hamster Hoopla
Jerry tries to pass himself off as a pet hamster - with unforeseen consequences!
S3 E20 • Tuff Shooting
Jerry and Tuffy test Tom's patience when they raid the Lord of the Manor's party spread.
S3 E21 • Anger Mismanagement
Tom and Spike must come to terms when their anger gets the best of them!
S3 E22 • Vampire State
Tom becomes a cat-vampire on a terrifying holiday to Catsylvania!
S3 E23 • It Aint Over Until The Cat Lady Sings
Tom and Jerry investigate the case of a missing musical star.
S3 E24 • Eggstra Credit
Tom and Jerry team up to target a nearby henhouse.
S3 E25 • Costume Party Smarty
All the animals at the manor try to raid a costume party for free food.
S3 E26 • Le concours des majordomes
The senior butler is leaving the manor, and Tom and Butch vie to replace him!
S3 E27 • Kid Stuff
A baby goat finds his way into the manor and creates chaos for Tom.
S3 E28 • Le coeur volé
Detective Tom falls in love with a client seeking the return of precious jewellery.
S3 E29 • Rira bien qui rira le dernier
Tom and Jerry agree to be Red Herring's bodyguards and figure out who is laughing at him.
S3 E30 • Le chat invisible
Perdu en pleine nuit dans la nature, Tom arrive dans un château où un crâne volant l'oblige à jouer à la «Roulette de la galerie des fantômes». Celui-ci se retrouve à affronter un redoutable chat invisible...
S3 E31 • L'ami des aigles
Tom and Jerry befriend some baby eagles and teach them how to fly.
S3 E32 • Catching Some Zs
The town of Catsylvania faces a zombie horde!
S3 E33 • Frenemies
S3 E34 • On est ce qu'on mange
Ginger et Rick se lèvent trop tard et dans la panique, intervertissent les gamelles de Tom et Spike qui, après avoir ingurgité les mauvaises pâtées, commencent à se comporter bizarrement...
S3 E35 • Not My Tyke
Tom and Jerry are charged with watching Tyke while Spike is away.
S3 E36 • Everyone Into The Pool
Everyone starts showing off when they spend the day at the pool.
Première diffusion : 1 décembre 2017
S3 E37 • A Head For Science
Tom and Jerry are charged with watching Tyke while Spike is away.
S3 E38 • Cat Cop
S3 E39 • Dis-Repair Man
S3 E40 • Double Dog Trouble
Tom and Jerry take on Spike's case of identity theft.
S3 E41 • Hockey Jockey
S3 E42 • Hyde and Shriek
A visiting doctor turns out to have a terrifying secret!
S3 E43 • Perfume Party
S3 E44 • The Royal Treatment
S3 E45 • Lightning Bug Blues
S3 E46 • The Beast from the Bayou
S3 E47 • All Cat Jazz
S3 E48 • Alley Oops!
S3 E49 • Magic Hat Cat
S3 E50 • Wrap Star