Saison 2

22 épisodes

(22 h)



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Saison 2


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Terror of the Deep

S2 E1 Terror of the Deep

Mitch and Griff fight for their lives in a sunken freighter which might have been sunk by a New Guinea sea monster according to a woman they found floating in the ocean near the sunken wreckage.

Première diffusion : 29 septembre 1996

The Creature

S2 E2 The Creature

A serial killer is a woman who is as much at home in the water as she is on the land; a mutant looking to procreate.

Première diffusion : 6 octobre 1996

The Rig

S2 E3 The Rig

It was the wrong day for a picnic! Mitch and Ryan head for the oil rig abandoned after a strange accident and spot a drifting yacht. Searching it they find a terrified young woman who says her host was pulled off the yacht by a weird sea monster. They have to abandon the yacht and use a rubber life raft to reach the oil rig where the gelatinous green stuff catches them.

Première diffusion : 13 octobre 1996

The Strike

S2 E4 The Strike

Mitch gets a close encounter of a shocking kind when he rescues a young man attempting to surf. Shades of the X-Files! It is suggested that the young man has a connection with the Roswell incident in the forties.

Première diffusion : 20 octobre 1996

Circle of Fear

S2 E5 Circle of Fear

After a report of a possible black arts event in the woods, Mitch and Ryan search. Ryan finds a burned book and a duplicate in a specialty book shop. She attempts one of the ceremonies with spectacular results. The shop owner helps them understand and counteract the evil invoked.

Première diffusion : 27 octobre 1996

The Cabin

S2 E6 The Cabin

In a wild ghost story, Mitch and Ryan enter an innocent cabin and find themselves in a Gay 90's brothel with a gorgeous blonde in a bathtub and a raving, axe and knife wielding killer.

Première diffusion : 3 novembre 1996

Curse of the Mirrored Box

S2 E7 Curse of the Mirrored Box

Mitch is alarmed when a child he saved six years ago turns to Haitian voodoo now she is a teen-ager. He and Ryan investigate and need the help of a priestess, Madam Trudor, to save their lives.

Première diffusion : 10 novembre 1996

Last Breath

S2 E8 Last Breath

Several lifeguards have vanished without a trace. Mitch really gets upset when Donna goes missing. He starts an investigation that involves a 6 month old auto accident with one survivor.

Première diffusion : 17 novembre 1996

Night Whispers

S2 E9 Night Whispers

Mitch and Ryan witness a murder and Ryan becomes more and more convinced that it was committed by a vampire.

Première diffusion : 24 novembre 1996

Space Spore

S2 E10 Space Spore

A space shuttle craft drops a load of dust as it comes in for a landing. The dust settles on the Burton farm where a farmer and his young daughter live. The space staff is alarmed and sends a crew in protective suits to clean it up, but it is Mitch and Griff who have to handle the dirty work when Ryan is infected.

Première diffusion : 19 janvier 1997

The Mobius

S2 E11 The Mobius

Ryan's old school chum arrives and breathlessly asks for help because her husband has become obsessed with their latest research. At the lab, after some demonstrations with inanimate objects, Mitch, Ryan and Ashley fall into the beam (somewhat like the 'Sliders') and fight for their lives.

Première diffusion : 2 février 1997


S2 E12 Possessed

Since they were at the scene of an accident, several people have become possessed by a homicidal spirit. They each prepare to make a demonic sacrifice

Première diffusion : 9 février 1997

Frozen Out of Time

S2 E13 Frozen Out of Time

Two frozen Vikings have been found in Iceland and transported to Los Angeles for thawing. Finding two in a small boat is strange and then they discover that this was the way to settle a feud. The 900 year old feud is finally settled in the present.

Première diffusion : 16 février 1997

Nights to Dragon One

S2 E14 Nights to Dragon One

Mitch and Ryan play a computer-generated D&D type game to rescue a man and his daughter. In this game, you win or you die. The game is somewhat like those on the Holodeck of ST-DS9.

Première diffusion : 23 février 1997


S2 E15 Ascension

Teague asks if they have ever heard of Knights Templar and then we see Ryan and Mitch confined in torture devices which are controlled with modern electronics by an Asian woman.

Première diffusion : 2 mars 1997


S2 E16 Zargtha

A monster resembling a wolf is attacking and killing teen-age runaways who live in an abandoned building, which is being demolished by a series of earthquakes. The monster resembles a mythical wolfman monster from Yugoslavia.

Première diffusion : 5 avril 1997

The Servant

S2 E17 The Servant

A mummy stalks the museum warehouse. Mitch does not believe in mummies or curses, but Ryan is not so sure.

Première diffusion : 12 avril 1997

Symbol of Death

S2 E18 Symbol of Death

The aliens are here! Teague is missing, so Mitch and Ryan follow his trail with the help of a man who claims to have been tracking the aliens for several years and knows they are here.

Première diffusion : 19 avril 1997

The Eighth Seal

S2 E19 The Eighth Seal

Mitch saves a young girl from drowning and then she tries it again saying she must die. He discovers she is possessed of a demon who then prefers Mitch.

Première diffusion : 26 avril 1997

Hot Winds

S2 E20 Hot Winds

The wind is driving the people insane--a man tries to rub his hands off on a wall, another douses himself with gas, and a mother tries to toss her infant off a roof. A mysterious figure appears in clouds of dust.

Première diffusion : 3 mai 1997

The Vortex

S2 E21 The Vortex

While letting go on their day off, Ryan drags a reluctant Mitch into the fortune-telling booth at the pier. An Indian guide sends them into an eerie tunnel from which Mitch and Ryan emerge to watch helplessly their future unfolds.

Première diffusion : 10 mai 1997

A Thousand Words

S2 E22 A Thousand Words

Teague leads Mitch and Ryan to a haunted restaurant where several women have been killed and a man left in a coma. Mitch hears a crying voice from a painting and finds that Ryan is gone. He and a psychic search for her.

Première diffusion : 17 mai 1997