Saison 5

34 épisodes

(14 h 10 min)



Saison 1

Saison 2

Saison 3

Saison 4

Saison 5

Saison 6

Saison 7

Saison 8

Saison 9

Saison 10

Saison 11

Saison 12

Saison 13

Saison 14

Saison 15

Saison 16

Saison 17

Saison 18

Saison 19

Saison 20

Saison 21


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Whoopi Goldberg

S5 E1 Whoopi Goldberg

All four started with Questions Only on the last night of an international singles cruise. Next was Two-Line Vocabulary with Colin the leader of a space colony on Mars with Ryan ("What is that?" and "I'm really in the mood") and Whoopi ("Have you thought this through?" and "That's impossible") the last two members and they are under attack. Following that was Props with Wayne and Whoopi vs. Colin and Ryan. Then it was Living Scenery with Wayne and Whoopi the props for Ryan trying to impress girlfriend Colin at a carnival, going on the rides and playing the games. Then, Helping Hands had Colin providing hands for pirate captain Ryan showing new recruit Whoopi how to be a pirate. Three-Headed Broadway Star had Wayne, Ryan and Whoopi sing "When I Think About Your Pants" to Drew. No winner was named, instead all four read the credits as rowdy bachelorettes out on the town the night before Whoopi's wedding.

Première diffusion : 9 septembre 2002

Kathy Griffin

S5 E2 Kathy Griffin

Colin's Hollywood Director tries to control himself as a hunky golf pro (Ryan) gives private lessons to a Beverly Hills wife (Kathy), when her elderly millionaire husband (Wayne) arrives on his motor scooter and thinks they are trying to steal his fortune, in the styles standup comics, a sexy German movie, and really obnoxious drunks; Wayne sings Song Styles to the reigning Miss America; Scenes from a Hat are "Unusual things for a neighbor to ask to borrow," "If you used stripper moves to perform mundane tasks," "World's worst things to say the first time you see someone naked," "Strange television shows for Mr. Rogers to make a guest appearance on," and "Disturbing times to make animal noises"; Wayne and Miss America become props for Ryan and Colin in Living Scenery, as Batman and Robin get a call from Commissioner Gordon that Batgirl is being held captive. Colin wins, so the rest are punished with a game of Props.

Première diffusion : 16 septembre 2002

Brad Sherwood

S5 E3 Brad Sherwood

Wayne and Brad are presenters for Ryan and Colin in "Award Show," which ends with Brad's full moon and revelations of Wayne's crescent moon; in "Party Quirks," Brad hosts a person on the "I've Got a Secret" episode of the South American (at least according to the card, but not what was acted) Jerry Springer Show (Wayne), a performing seal in a marine park playing to the cameras (Colin), and a series of hunting accidents caught on tape (Ryan); "Scenes from a Hat" are "what life would have been like if your parents were insult comics," "what's on TV in hell," "things found written in hillbilly fortune cookies," and "hit numbers from a musical about breasts"; "Bartender" Brad listens to songs from Wayne (who's excited about Brad), Colin (who's angry about getting a speeding ticket), and Ryan (who's in love with ugly shoes). Colin wins, so Brad and Wayne face off against Drew and Ryan in a rousing game of "Props."

Première diffusion : 23 septembre 2002

Brad Sherwood

S5 E4 Brad Sherwood

In "Change Letter," a young man (Brad) and his girlfriend (Colin) are making out when her disapproving parents (Ryan and Wayne) walk in unexpectedly, with all "l"s required to be changed to "p"s; a disco "Duet" to Florence Henderson; Brad and Colin are two bakers on the night shift, with Ryan the incoming staff member, in "If You Know What I Mean"; "Dubbing" features Ryan's hunky pool boy tempts housewife Florence (voiced by Brad) when her hot-headed husband Colin arrives with a gift; Florence reprises Mrs. Brady in "Helping Hands," giving advice to Jan (played by Ryan/Colin) on how to attract boys. Florence wins, so she reads the credits as Mrs. Brady, with everyone else as the Brady Bunch kids snitching on their siblings.

Première diffusion : 30 septembre 2002

Greg Proops

S5 E5 Greg Proops

"Superheroes" features Greg as Delayed-Reaction Man, Ryan as Becomes Hysterical Too Easily Girl, Colin as The Happy Flasher, and Wayne as Constantly Run Over By A Car Man, with the crisis a lack of Post-It Notes; Wayne gives professional bingo caller Ivy quite a Thriller, with the help of "zombies" Greg, Wayne, and Ryan, in "Song Styles"; Greg, Colin, and Ryan are stranded on a desert island in "Multiple Personalities," with only binoculars (Jimmy Stewart), a knife (Braveheart), and a canteen (Carol Channing); Greg presides over a "Funeral," along with Colin and Ryan, for Katrina, who died in a freak miniature golf accident; "Scenes from a Hat" are "unlikely subjects to be the basis for a musical," "things you shouldn't do at the last minute," "unlikely first lines of medical ads," and "what's really going through George W. Bush's mind during Cabinet meetings"; an "Irish Drinking Song" about getting pregnant on a date. Greg wins, so it's Wayne and Colin against Ryan and Drew in -- gues

Première diffusion : 7 octobre 2002

Kathy Greenwood

S5 E6 Kathy Greenwood

In an alternative Wizard of Oz, Dorothy arrives to problems in Munchkin land, in Questions Only; Colin reports a Newsflash to Ryan and Kathy from a bodybuilding competition; Wayne and the gang don Afro wigs for a '70s disco Song Styles to Naomi, who works for UPS; Colin and Ryan combat nail biting in Infomercial; Scenes from a Hat are "if lessons in love and sex were taught in the style of Sesame Street," "Jeopardy! questions where the Whose Line contestants are the answers," and "bad things to say as you're about to kiss her." Kathy wins, so the rest step up for a police officer Hoedown.

Première diffusion : 21 octobre 2002

Greg Proops

S5 E7 Greg Proops

In the debut of "Make a Monster," Dr. Frankenstein (Colin) and Igor (Greg) create two monsters: Ryan (with the head of John Wayne, a leg from a soccer player and a leg from a Rockette, and arms from the robot in Lost in Space) and Wayne (with the head of Sammy Davis Jr., big chicken legs, and arms from a woman and Muhammad Ali), culminating in Ryan and Wayne serenading to each other; "Scenes from a Hat" are "things you don't want to hear in the dark" and "what slasher movie villains are thinking while they're waiting in the dark"; Colin anchors "Weird Newscasters" alongside a coanchor politician filming a smear campaign advertisement against his opponent, Drew Carey (Greg), a sportscasting frat boy doing a series of outrageous stunts to impress his drinking buddies in the front row (Wayne), and a weatherman reenacting the rise and fall of a 1940s boxer (Ryan); "Hats" gives examples of the world's worst dating service video, with various cheap Halloween masks mixed in among the other he

Première diffusion : 28 octobre 2002

Brad Sherwood

S5 E8 Brad Sherwood

Game 1 - Scene To Music Game 2 - Dubbing Brad, Colin, Ryan, and Chyna as dance instructors Game 3 - Changed Letter P to G for a group of unfortunate nudists Game 4 - Party Quirks Game 5 - Irish Drinking Song Knocked over the Christmas tree Drew Game - Living Scenery Ryan and Colin are James Bond and his girlfiend escaping with the help of props Drew and Chyna. Aritificial Winner - Wayne Brady

Première diffusion : 15 novembre 2002

Chip Esten

S5 E9 Chip Esten

In "Superheroes," Stinky Man (Colin) tries to solve a dead possum in his parking spot with his friends Giggling Nipple-Tweak Man (Ryan), Captain Luau (Chip), and Temper Tantrum Kid (Wayne); "Scenes from a Hat" are "disturbing people to get a lap dance from," "unfortunate times to sneeze," "jobs where you shouldn't kid around," and "the Munchkins: What are they doing now?"; "Stand, Sit, Lie" comes back after a three-season hiatus, with expectant mother Ryan is cared for by flirtatious midwife Wayne, with Colin the nervous husband; in "Party Quirks," Chip tries to guess various acts getting booed off the stage during Amateur Night at the Apollo (Wayne), a bomb squad member who received a tip that there are bombs in people's pants (Colin), and a series of ugly sea creatures swimming up to the cameras (Ryan); after finding humor in Drew nearly choking himself with a breath mint, the show continues with "Show-Stopping Number," featuring Ryan, Colin, and Wayne in a factory. Wayne wins, and h

Première diffusion : 29 novembre 2002

Greg Proops

S5 E10 Greg Proops

First up was Let's Make A Date, with Greg picking from Wayne(stage hypnotist who uses his butt to hypnotize people), Colin(abrasive coach looking for new members of his all-female wrestling team), and Ryan(secretly setting up a 24-hour erotic webcam on stage and trying to include the others). Next up after a long absence was Scene to Rap, with Top Gun the subject. Sound Effects had Ryan and Colin as two gung ho astronauts on a rescue mission to a space station orbiting Mars, when they discover it's been taken over by aliens; audience members Corina(for Colin) and Deborah(for Ryan) providing the sounds. Scenes From A Hat had ending a long term relationship in song, things you always wanted to say to the audience at home, when a kiss is completely out of line, and unusual ways for your optometrist to test your vision. Wayne is declared the winner, so Drew joins the rest for the World's Worst psychiatrist. Wayne reads the credits with his hypnotic butt.

Première diffusion : 6 décembre 2002

Brad Sherwood

S5 E11 Brad Sherwood

Game 1: Questions With Wigs - Scandal erupts at a wedding Game 2: Scenes From A Hat If Tarzan Had Appeared In Other TV Shows Unusual Phrases To Be Teaching In An English As A Second Language Class Strange Comments For Your Doctor To Make After "Turn Your Head And Cough" Game 3: Party Quirks Wayne: Host's Repulsive Landlady Looking For Excuses To Interrupt The Party So She Can Hit On Everyone Colin: Safari Guide Who Thinks People Are Dangerous Wild Animals Who Must Be Wrestled Into Submission Ryan: Uninhibited Social Director At A Nudist Camp Trying To Get Everyone To Join In The Activities Game 4: Greatest Hits - Songs Of The Western Artificial Winner: Brad Drew Game: Irish Drinking Song - Marriage Credits Roll: All four contestants read the credits while posing for the new Men Of Whose Line calendar.

Première diffusion : 20 décembre 2002

Greg Proops

S5 E12 Greg Proops

Colin's "Hollywood Director" shouts during a scene where Ryan and Greg, leaders of rival biker gangs, have a dramatic race toward the cliff's edge in a game of chicken, with Wayne as Greg's girlfriend trying to stop them (styles are Gremlins and liking the feel of carpet on skin); The Jerry Springer Show appears behind Colin as he reports a "Newsflash" to Ryan and Greg; this leads to the first appearance by Jerry, as he is sung to by Wayne as, of all things, a gospel song in "Song Styles"; "Daytime Talk Show" deals with the problems in "Little Red Riding Hood," with Colin as Red, Ryan as the wolf, Greg and Wayne hecklers in the audience, and Jerry as the emcee; then the "3-Headed Broadway Star" gets a new look, with Wayne, Ryan, and Jerry singing "I Dream About Your Yarmulke" to audience member Shannon. Jerry wins, so everybody pretends they're backstage at The Jerry Springer Show.

Première diffusion : 10 janvier 2003

Kathy Greenwood

S5 E13 Kathy Greenwood

"Questions Only" features a robbery at a nudist colony; Colin and Ryan enjoy a ski resort, thanks to Kathy and Wayne, in "Living Scenery"; "Film Dub" has Kathy's car breaking down on the freeway, being helped by Ryan and Colin (driving down the interstate in a tank); "Party Quirks" has Wayne as various rock stars singing a benefit song for Colin's hair transplant, Colin as the Tickler terrorizing everybody in the studio, and Ryan as a bunch of kindergarteners posing for their yearbook photos; and Ryan and Kathy enjoy a piping hot breakfast after their wedding night in "Helping Hands." Kathy wins, so everyone else does the magician "Hoedown."

Première diffusion : 17 janvier 2003

Chip Esten

S5 E14 Chip Esten

First up is Let's Make a Date with Chip choosing from Wayne(the amazing Italian acrobatic circus family and their amazing stool act), Colin (backwoods farmer helping prize cows Wayne and Ryan though difficult multiple births) and Ryan(performing "Drew Carey,The Musical). Next is Dubbing where a scene from "West Side Story" finds Ryan(leader of the Sharks) outraged that his Puerto Rican girlfriend Maria(audience member Gaelen, voiced by Wayne) is flirting with Colin(leader of the Jets). Then its Scenes From A Hat: apart from an athletic event or a criminal getaway, times people run awat as fast as they can; bad segues following tragic news stories, phrases that don't sound right when a cheesy announcer says them and things you should'nt do in a police line-up. Greatest Hits has Ryan and Colin selling, and Wayne and Chip singing Songs of Rome. Props has Wayne and Colin vs. Ryan and Drew, Chip sitting out as the winner. All four read the credits as they perform "Drew Carey, The Musical."

Première diffusion : 24 janvier 2003

Kathy Griffin

S5 E15 Kathy Griffin

Games played: Questions Only, Weird Newscasters, Irish Drinking Song, Scenes from a Hat, and World's Worst.

Première diffusion : 3 avril 2003

Brad Sherwood

S5 E16 Brad Sherwood

"Backwards Scene"; Brad and Wayne sing a Blues Brothers "Duet" to Angela, a sign language interpreter; "Weird Newscasters" has Colin as anchor, with a pushy small-time talent agent desperate to get his client Colin some work (Brad), Michael Jackson and James Brown in a celebrity deathmatch (Wayne), and the rise and fall of a 1930s gangster (Ryan); "Boogie Woogie Sisters"; "Scenes from a Hat" are "things you wish you hadn't said to that Hell's Angel," "what really frightened Miss Muffet away," and "Dr. Seuss-inspired pickup lines." Brad wins, so the rest sing the Ryan's wife "Hoedown."

Première diffusion : 10 avril 2003

Greg Proops

S5 E17 Greg Proops

Multiple Personalities,with Greg, Wayne, and Ryan, is a safari in the deepest part of the jungle when the guides desert them, with a fly swatter being Richard Simmons, machete Elvis, and binoculars Scooby Doo; Colin reports back to Ryan and Greg from a Newsflash about various scenes of Richard Simmons; Richard makes his first appearance, as Wayne does a disco Song Styles to him (with the others participating without Drew directing them to); Ryan and Colin go on a luxury cruise to enjoy sunbathing, water sports, and entertainment, but their Living Scenery props are Wayne and Richard. Wayne wins, so Ryan and Colin become the properties of Richard and Drew (respectively) for Moving People.

Première diffusion : 20 juin 2003

Brad Sherwood

S5 E18 Brad Sherwood

Colin, as Batman, announces he's coming out of the closet (unbeknownst to Colin) in "Press Conference"; Ryan and Colin pitch a facelift product in "Infomercial"; Miss Piggy (Colin and Wayne) and Kermit (Ryan and Brad) "All in One Voice" sing "The First Time We Kissed"; "Change Letter" changes Bs into Fs, as overnight in an E.R., Frad plays a doctor, Colin his nurse, and Ryan and Wayne enter as patients; "Scenes from a Hat" are "World's Worst news anchor," "what our cameramen are thinking right now," "Baby Drew's first words," and "things you might say about your computer, but not your girlfriend"; Brad, Colin, and Ryan are three soldiers in a barracks in an abbreviated version of "If You Know What I Mean." Brad and Wayne win, so they read the credits as 1950s variety show hosts thanking all their guests.

Première diffusion : 20 juin 2003

Kathy Griffin

S5 E19 Kathy Griffin

Colin reports a Newsflash of mice and rats to Kathy and Ryan; Song Styles is a gospel from Wayne to David Hasselhoff; Two Line Vocabulary sees Colin's Indiana Jones looking for the Holy Grail in an ancient temple filled with dangerous traps, with sidekicks Ryan ("What does that do?" and "I want out.") and Kathy ("I love this." and "Are you kidding?"); Colin, a woman, has some trouble on the beach, and is saved by lifeguard David, whose Dubbing is done by Wayne, and Colin's boyfriend, Ryan, comes in to prove he's a better lifeguard. David wins, so Wayne, Ryan, and he become a Three-Headed Broadway Star to sing "I Can't Live Without Your Mother" to audience member Venus.

Première diffusion : 27 juin 2003

Greg Proops

S5 E20 Greg Proops

Colin anchors "Weird Newscasters," with a goofy white guy desperately trying to act street (Greg), an aging female Broadway performer doing a big song and dance number whose extensive plastic surgery begins to collapse (Wayne), and a very strict father whose deadbeat sons are in the studio and has decided it's time for them to get real jobs (Ryan); "Scenes from a Hat" are "like Oklahoma, musicals about various U.S. states," "sumo wrestlers in other professions," and "anecdotes dogs would tell if they appeared on talk shows"; "Film Dub" sets Greg, Colin, and Ryan in one day in the doctor's lab; Greg hosts "Party Quirks," with Wayne having a series of stormy love affairs from beginning to end with each person at the party, Colin a serious scientist testing how much annoyance people can stand before cracking, and Ryan a rat traveling through a maze to reach the cameras where he's given either cheese or an electric shock; "Hats." Greg wins, so the rest bumble through an abbreviated "Irish

Première diffusion : 27 juin 2003

Greg Proops

S5 E21 Greg Proops

In Let's Make a Date, Greg chooses from a fitness guru demonstrating his exercise techniques on various people in his video Tighten Your Buns in Two Minutes (Wayne), a psychopathic male flight attendant whose anger management thong tightens whenever he loses his temper (Colin), and a glamorous Russian female spy using older brother bullying techniques to extract secrets from the others (Ryan); Jane Tricker gets sung to by Wayne as she crushes him to a bloody pulp in Song Styles with the song style being stadium rock; Scenes from a Hat are "the first verbal exchange between Adam and Eve," "moments when cheerleaders are inappropriate," "strange welcome greetings on signs as you enter different U.S. states," and "the Whose Line Is It Anyway? shower-cam"; Greg hosts Party Quirks with Wayne every photo from the next new Whose Line Is It Anyway? calendar, Colin a group of Jurassic Park raptors setting up a trap and stalking the other guests, and Ryan a high school boy who discovers that the

Première diffusion : 11 juillet 2003

Chip Esten

S5 E22 Chip Esten

In "Hollywood Director," Ryan's inmate tries to break out under the watch of Chip's warden, with Wayne coming in on his helicopter to assist in the escape, with Colin giving the styles of Bob Fosse musical, cheesy '70s porn, and Stomp; Sally and Cheryl provide "Sound Effects" for Ryan's explorer and Colin's beautiful, feisty research scientist, who are on a search in Africa for King Kong; Colin reports to Chip and Ryan in the studio in "Newsflash," in front of people getting covered by various slimy animals; Chip tends the bar in "Bartender," with Colin angry about the size of his feet, Ryan annoyed that his zipper doesn't work, and Wayne in love with Chip. Colin wins, so the rest sing the Superman "Hoedown."

Première diffusion : 11 juillet 2003

Kathy Greenwood

S5 E23 Kathy Greenwood

"Number of Words" sees a deleted scene from The Wizard of Oz, with Dorothy (Kathy, three words) meeting a munchkin (Wayne, five words) while tagging along with the Good Witch (Colin, two words), and finally encountering the Wicked Witch of the West (Ryan, four words); an "Infomercial" for hairy chests; Wayne sings a Prince "Song Styles" to Carly, who works for the bankruptcy department of a mortgage company; "Scenes from a Hat" are "times when you don't want a spotlight on you," "unlikely famous movie scenes to be done nude," and "the wrong thing to say when your girlfriend is trying on clothes"; Colin reports a "Newsflash" from a bunch of lizards to Ryan and Kathy. Kathy wins, but instead of the normal "Hoedown" in this situation, they instead do the "World's Worst" thing to do or say during or after making love. In this episode, the points mattered. Sort of. The final points: PLAYER -- #OW -- INFO -- SONG -- SFAH -- NEWS Wayne -- 800 -- DNP -- -1200* -- 2200 -- DNP Kathy -- 200 -

Première diffusion : 18 juillet 2003

Brad Sherwood

S5 E24 Brad Sherwood

In "Superheroes," Captain Morgan (Brad) has his ship sink, with help from Runs and Throws Like a Girl Man (Ryan), The Copycat Kid (Colin), and Russian Gymnast Woman (Wayne); Batman (Colin) and Robin (Ryan) receive a call that one of their archeenemies is on the loose with the help of non-existent "Sound Effects"; a "Title Sequence" for the new sitcom Napoleon and the Bartender; "If You Know What I Mean" sets Brad, Colin, and Ryan in a service station as car mechanics; Brad, Colin, and Ryan do a "Film Dub"; "Scenes from a Hat" are "inappropriate elementary school field trips," "weird places to find advertising," "little-known but amazing facts about Drew Carey," "inappropriate emergency calls to make to 911," and "bad things to say after making love." Brad wins, so the rest do the zoo "Hoedown."

Première diffusion : 18 juillet 2003

Chip Esten

S5 E25 Chip Esten

The museum's on fire for today's "Superheroes," with Mad Cow Man (Colin) being assisted by Athletic Slap on the Butt Man (Ryan), Ants in His Pants Boy (Chip), and the Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better Kid (Wayne); a Middle Eastern "Duet" from Chip and Wayne to Neena and Veena; "Scenes from a Hat" are "fast food orders that sound sexy but aren't," "inappropriate times to show off your stomach muscles," "things you don't want to hear as you finish your last bite of dinner," "giving your date's parents too much information," and "things that would make you suspect your doctor did not graduate from medical school"; Neena and Veena return for "Living Scenery," as Ryan and Colin are a newlywed couple gambling in a casino just before retiring to their elaborate honeymoon suite. Wayne wins, so Chip and Drew are served by Colin and Ryan in the Steven Spielberg "Themed Restaurant."

Première diffusion : 25 juillet 2003

Jeff Davis

S5 E26 Jeff Davis

Jeff appears on "Let's Make a Date," choosing from (and these are taken directly from the screen) an excited teenage girl who decides she can't play the game without bringing her best friends on stage to do it with her (Wayne), an office nerd who just got his CPR certificate and wants to practice his resuscitation skills on everyone (Colin), and a witch who entices the beast to her magic sleeping stool then must find his true love to break the spell and turn him into a prince (Ryan); Colin dodges some skateboarders falling in "Newsflash," with Jeff and Ryan in the studio; "Scenes from a Hat" are "bad topics to open a conversation with," "professions where breaking into song is discouraged," "things that make the audience boo," and "mundane activities that may be improved by nudity"; "Songs of Norway." Jeff wins, so the rest sing the cheating "Hoedown."

Première diffusion : 25 juillet 2003

Brad Sherwood

S5 E27 Brad Sherwood

Highlights include: Game 1 - Hollywood Director Colin, as usual, is the director Ryan and Wayne, two gold miners Brad, the bandito who has come to rob them. Directions from Colin: do the scene backwards do the scene full of lust for each other include as many "Your momma!" jokes as possible. Game 2 - If You Know What I Mean Brad and Colin are customers at a diner where Ryan is their waitress Penultimate game - Greatest Hits Songs Of Weddings including the B-52's singing Cash Bar. Artificial Winner - Wayne Drew Game - Helping Hands Drew is a high school student being taught lessons in French culture by Ryan, with the helping hands of Colin. Credits Roll - Wayne and Colin are trained seals being fed by Brad and Ryan.

Première diffusion : 1 août 2003

Greg Proops

S5 E28 Greg Proops

Game 1 - Scene To Music: Ryan, a gung-ho pest exterminator, bursts in on the hotel room of Colin and Wayne, a newlywed couple. Game 2 - Scenes From A Hat: Famous Film Roles As Played By Scooby-Doo If Welcome Signs In European Countries Were Truthful Things You Don't Want You Hear Your Grandmother Singing About What The First Fight Between A Man And A Woman Was About Game 3 - Song Styles: Wayne sings as Prince to a guest contortionist with an unusual name. Game 4 - Changed Letter: B to W Greg, the team doctor, is treating the star basketball player, Wayne. Colin, a reporter, has come in to interview Wayne, when Ryan, the coach, bursts in to stop him. Game 5 - Living Scenery: Ryan, Colin, Wayne, and the contortionist as Arctic explorers on a race to the North Pole encounter each other at a different icehole. Game 6 - Hats/Dating Service Video Artificial Winner: Wayne Brady Drew Game - Sports Casters: Drew and Greg commenting on competing office workers Ryan and Colin Credit

Première diffusion : 8 août 2003

Kathy Griffin

S5 E29 Kathy Griffin

Game 1 Press Conference: Colin as the 1st man to make love on the moon. Game 2 Sound Effects: Audience members Valerie and Anne help Ryan and Colin storm Frankenstein Castle Game 3 Irish Drinking Song: Graduation Game 4 Party Quirks Game 5 Helping Hands: It's Kathy's wedding and Colin and Ryan are the wedding planner Artificial Winner: Colin Drew Game Themed Restaraunt: The Wizard Of Oz Credits Roll - Kathy Griffin as the waitress at a late night coffee shop running down the items on the menu to a table full of drunks & everyone else as the drunks.

Première diffusion : 8 août 2003

Greg Proops

S5 E30 Greg Proops

Highlight include: Make A Monster Dubbing Scenes From A Hat Greatest Hits: Songs of Sci-Fi Aritificial Winner - Wayne Brady Drew Game - World's Worst: Things to say or do on your 1st day in prison Credits Roll - Greg reads the credits as a dancing monkey.

Première diffusion : 15 août 2003

Brad Sherwood

S5 E31 Brad Sherwood

In Hollywood Director, Ryan and Wayne are two competing explorers to the North Pole when one of them falls into the ice hole, while Brad is a German rival with a team of huskies and races in to help, with the styles Spanish gameshow and x-rated, with the offensive content bleeped out; Colin and his gang of outlaws are holed up in a shack with the sheriff and his deputies approaching in Two-Line Vocabulary, with Ryan ("Don't worry, I'm a doctor." and "What do I look like?") and Wayne ("Did you hear that?" and "Let's not go there."); Colin hosts a Press Conference, unknowingly announcing to the others that he, Yogi, has killed Boo Boo; Wayne directs Colin and Ryan on an Improbable Mission to shovel snow; the gang sings the first kiss Irish Drinking Song. Brad and Colin are the winners, but instead of playing a game with Drew (or, with that pairing of winners, instead of playing Three-Headed Broadway Star) read the credits as .

Première diffusion : 22 août 2003

Jeff Davis

S5 E32 Jeff Davis

"Show No. 426" - Highlights include "Weird Newscasters," with Jeff as Christopher Walken doing a comedy routine, Wayne as Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera in a cat fight and Ryan as a swinger on the prowl; "Duet," in which Jeff and Wayne sing big band style to Katrina, the movie theater popcorn popper; "Scenes from a Hat"; "Greatest Hits," in which Wayne and Jeff sing "Songs of the Motorcycle"; and Drew joins in for "Themed Restaurant," on "Whose Line Is It Anyway?," THURSDAY, MAY 1 (8:00-8:30 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

Première diffusion : 29 août 2003

Greg Proops

S5 E33 Greg Proops

In "Let's Make A Date," Greg is the bachelor with Wayne as the Barry White of the rooster world surrounded by lady hens, Colin as a gawky teenager who meets an audience member and takes her on a date to the movies where he hopes to score, and Ryan as Colin's highly competitive uglier brother desperate to show that anything Colin does, he can do better. In "Hats," all four give examples of the world's worst dating agency video. In "Fashion Models," Greg is the announcer and Wayne, Colin, and Ryan are all football player models. In "Scenes From A Hat," the scenes are "if your thoughts were amplified on loud speakers" and "things you can say about your boat, but not your girlfriend." In "Newsflash," Colin is reporting back to Ryan and Greg in the studio in front of a Chippendale police officer. Greg wins, so Wayne, Drew, Colin, and Ryan do the Rock Star Hoedown.

Première diffusion : 5 septembre 2003

Chip Esten

S5 E34 Chip Esten

In "Hollywood Director," town sheriff Ryan has finally caught the fugitive gunslinger Chip and puts him in jail, but Wayne comes in as a member of Chip's gang, and Colin gives them the styles of falling in love with each other and product testimonials. In "Improbable Mission," Wayne is the voice on the tape informing secret agents Colin and Ryan that they must go shopping at the grocery store. In "Scenes From A Hat," the scenes are "bad times to use the athletic butt slap," "topics of conversation that always ruin dinner parties," "what the Whose Line? cast will ask Santa for this Christmas," and "things your waitress can say that can be misconstrued as sexual." In "Greatest Hits," Colin and Ryan sell Songs of Pregnancy, with songs performed by Wayne and Chip. Chip wins, so the rest join Drew for a game of "Props."

Première diffusion : 5 septembre 2003