Cover Les meilleurs films avec Michael Caine

Les meilleurs films avec Michael Caine selon Mellow-Yellow

Liste de

8 films

créée il y a 10 jours · modifiée il y a 10 jours
Le Limier

Le Limier (1972)


2 h 18 min. Sortie : 18 avril 1973 (France). Thriller

Film de Joseph L. Mankiewicz

Mellow-Yellow a mis 10/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cœur.

Annotation :

"Andrew, remember, be sure and tell them : it was only a bloody game."

Hannah et ses sœurs

Hannah et ses sœurs (1986)

Hannah and Her Sisters

1 h 47 min. Sortie : 21 mai 1986 (France). Comédie dramatique

Film de Woody Allen

Mellow-Yellow a mis 9/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cœur.

Annotation :

"God, she's beautiful. She's got the prettiest eyes. She looks so sexy in that sweater. I just want to be alone with her and hold her and kiss her and tell her how much I love her and take care of her. Stop it you idiot, she's your wife's sister. But I can't help it. I'm consumed by her. It's been months now. I dream about her, I - I - I think about her at the office. Oh Lee, what am I gonna do? I hear myself moaning over you and it's disgusting. Before, when she squeezed past me at the doorway and I smelt that perfume on the back of her neck - Jesus, I - I thought I was gonna swoon. Easy! You're a dignified financial advisor. It doesn't look good for you to swoon."

L'Homme qui voulut être roi

L'Homme qui voulut être roi (1975)

The Man Who Would Be King

2 h 09 min. Sortie : 21 avril 1976 (France). Action, Aventure

Film de John Huston

Mellow-Yellow a mis 8/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cœur.

Annotation :

"He wants to know if you are gods.
- Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing."

Alfie, le dragueur

Alfie, le dragueur (1966)


1 h 54 min. Sortie : 1 juin 1966 (France). Comédie dramatique

Film de Lewis Gilbert

Mellow-Yellow a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."

Mes funérailles à Berlin

Mes funérailles à Berlin (1966)

Funeral in Berlin

1 h 42 min. Sortie : 22 février 1967 (France). Action, Policier

Film de Guy Hamilton

Mellow-Yellow a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

"I wish to defect, but there are conditions.
- What do you want?
- I want colonel's pay for life.
- Don't we all.
- A house in the country.
- Oh, how many bedrooms?
- Bedrooms do not matter. But I must have a big garden. I am a peasant at heart, and I want to grow roses in my old age.
- In England, roses are out - weeds are in. Is that all?"

Ipcress - Danger immédiat

Ipcress - Danger immédiat (1965)

The Ipcress File

1 h 49 min. Sortie : 20 octobre 1965 (France). Policier, Thriller

Film de Sidney J. Furie

Mellow-Yellow a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

"The fellow whose job I'm taking, will he show me the ropes?
- Maybe - if you're in touch with the spirit world.
- I beg your pardon?
- He was shot this morning."

La Loi du milieu

La Loi du milieu (1971)

Get Carter

1 h 52 min. Sortie : 3 novembre 1971 (France). Gangster, Thriller

Film de Mike Hodges

Mellow-Yellow a mis 7/10.

Annotation :

"You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow."

Kingsman - Services secrets

Kingsman - Services secrets (2014)

Kingsman: The Secret Service

2 h 09 min. Sortie : 18 février 2015 (France). Action, Thriller

Film de Matthew Vaughn

Mellow-Yellow a mis 5/10.

Annotation :

Je n'aime pas trop ce film, mais j'aime beaucoup la manière dont le personnage de Michael Caine a été construit.

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