Bibliographie (incomplète) de La Défaite de l'Occident

ARISTOTE, Politique

BAINVILLE Jacques, Les Conséquences politiques de la paix

BANFIELD, Edward, The Moral Basis of a Backward Society

BENEDICT Ruth, Le Chrysanthème et le Sabre

BEREND Ivan, Decades of Crisis. Central and Eastern Europe before World War II

BROWN Calum, The Death of Christian Britain. Understanding Secularisation 1800-2000

BRZEZINSKI Zbigniew, Le Grand Echiquier*

BULLOUGH Oliver, Moneyland*

Butler to the World*

BUNCH Will, After the Ivory Tower Falls. How College Broke the American Dream and Blew up our Politics and How to Fix It

CAMPBELL David, PUTNAM Robert, American Grace. How Religion Divides and Unites Us

CASE Anne, DEATON Angus, Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism (Morts de désespoir. L'avenir du capitalisme)*

COLLEY Linda, Britons. Forging the Nation 1707-1837

CROUCH Colin, Post-Democracy

DOUTHAT Ross, The Decadent Society. How We Became Victimes of Our Own Successes

Bad Religion

EDGERTON David, The Rise and Fall of the British Nation

ELL Paul, SNELL K. D. M., Rival Jerusalems. The Geography of Victorian Religion

ENGELS Friedrich, La Situation de la classe ouvrière en Angleterre en 1844

FERGUSON Adam, An Essay on the History of Civil Society*

FOURQUET Jérôme, L’Archipel français

GALBRAITH John, "The Gift of Sanctions : An Analysis of Assesments of the Russian Economy, 2022-2023"*

GARNETT Mark, From Anger to Apathy. The British Experience since 1975

GOODHART David, The Road to Somewhere. The Populist Revolt and the Future of Politics

GOODWIN Matthew, Values, Voice and Virtue

GORDON John, Invisible War. The United States and Iraq Sanctions

GORER Geoffrey, RICKMAN John, The People of Great Russia

GREEN Francis, KYNASTON David, Engines of Privilege. Britain’s Private School Problem

GREENWALD Glenn, Nulle part où se cacher*

HOBSON John, Imperialism. A Study*

KWARTENG Kwasi, PATEL Priti, RAAB Dominic, SKIDMORE Chris, TRUSS Liz, Britannia Unchained

LEMANN Nicholas, The Big Test. The Secret History of American Meritocracy

GUILLUY Christophe, La France périphérique. Comment on a sacrifié les classes populaires

HERSH Seymour, "How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipepline" (

JONES Owen, Chavs. The Demonization of the Working Class

KAGAN Robert, Or Paradise and Power. America and Europe in the New World Order

The Jungle Grows Back. America and Our Imperiled World

KARABEL Jerome, The Chosen. The Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard

KAUFMANN Eric, The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America

KOTKIN Joel, The New Class Conflict

KUNDNANI Hans, The Paradox of German Power

LAMBERTIN Emma, "Lessons from Ukraine : Shifting International Surrogacy Policy to Protect Women and Children"

LASCH Christopher, La Révolte des élites et la trahison de la démocratie

Le Complexe de Narcisse

LIND Michael, The Next American Nation. The New Republicanism and the Fourth American Revolution

The New Class War. Saving Democracy from the Metropolitan Elite

LENDVAI Paul, L’Antisémitisme sans juifs

LENINE Vladimir, L’Impérialisme, stade suprême du capitalisme

LEROY-BEAULIEU Anatole, L’Empire des tsars et les Russes*

LYSOCA Alexandra, PRIDEMORE Alex, SCCHITOV Nikolay, « Homicide in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus », in Handbook of European Homicide Research. Patterns, Explanations and Country Studies

MARKOVITS Daniel, The Meritocracy Trap

MATTINSON Deborah, Beyond the Red Wall. Why Labour Lost, How the Conservatives Won and What Will Happen Next ?

MCLEOD Hugh, Religion and the People of Western Europe 1789-1989

MEAD Margaret, Soviet Attitudes Toward Autority

MEARSHEIMER John, The Great Delusion. Liberal Dreams and International Realities*

MEARSHEIMER John, WALT Stephen, Le Lobby pro-israélien et la politique étrangère américaine

MILLS C, Wright, The Power Elite*

MULDER Nicholas, The Economic Weapon. The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War*

NACHTWEY Oliver, Die Abstiegsgesellschaft. Über das Aufbegehren in der regressiven Moderne

OCDE, "Is the German Middle-Class Crumbling ? Risks and Opportunities" (

PETTIFOR Ann, The Production of Money. How to Break the Power of Bankers

RADKEY Oliver, Russia Goes to the Polls

RAUSCHNING Hermann, La Révolution du nihilisme

RAWLS John, Théorie de la justice

ROSTOW Walt, Les Étapes de la croissance économique. Un manifeste anti-communiste

ROUBAN Luc, La démocratie représentative est-elle en crise ?

SAEZ Gabriel, ZUCMAN Emmanuel, Le Triomphe de l’injustice

SANDEL Michael, The Tyranny of Merit

SAVAGE Mike, Social Class in the 21st Century

SCHAFFNER Bertram, Fatherland. A Study of Authoritarianism in the German Family

SCHOENNAUM David, La Révolution Brune

SHIMKIN D. B., SANJUAN Pedro, "Culture and World View : A Method of Analysis Applied to Rural Russia"

SHLAPENTOKH Vladimir, Freedom, Repression, and Private Property in Russia*

SKELTON David, The New Snobbery. Taking on Modern Elitism and Empowering the Working Class

STRAUSS Leo, Nihilisme et politique

SUBRAHMANIAN Jaishankar, The Indian Way. Strategies for an Uncertain World

TEURTRIE David, Russie. Le retour de la puissance*

TODD Emmanuel, La chute finale

La Troisième Planète. Structures familiales et systèmes idéologiques

Après l’empire

Après la démocratie

Le Destin des immigrés

L’Origine des systèmes familiaux

Où en sont-elles ? Une esquisse de l’histoire des femmes

TOMASIC Dinko, "The Impact of Russian Culture on Soviet Communism"

TSYGANKOV Andrei, The Dark Double. U.S. Media, Russia and the Politics of Values*

WALT, The Hell of Good Intentions. America’s Foreign Policy Elite and the Decline of U.S. Primacy*

WEBER Max, L’Ethique protestante et l’esprit du capitalisme

WELLS H.G. La Machine à explorer le temps

WETHERINGTON Mark, American Agriculture. From Farm Families to Agribusiness

ZUCMAN Gabriel, La Richesse cachée des nations*

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le 15 févr. 2024

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La Défaite de l'Occident

Bibliographie (incomplète) de La Défaite de l'Occident

ARISTOTE, PolitiqueBAINVILLE Jacques, Les Conséquences politiques de la paixBANFIELD, Edward, The Moral Basis of a Backward SocietyBENEDICT Ruth, Le Chrysanthème et le SabreBEREND Ivan, Decades of...

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La Défaite de l'Occident

Bibliographie (incomplète) de La Défaite de l'Occident

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