
Activité sur La rencontre émouvante de Thor et Kobayashi ! (On se met la barre très haut)

Anatole Pagès Gerles

a attribué 9/10 à l'épisode


de la série

La rencontre émouvante de Thor et Kobayashi ! (On se met la barre très haut)

Tohru and Kobayashi's Impactful Meeting! (We're Raising the Bar on Ourselves)

épisode S1 E12 de Miss Kobayashi S Dragon Maid

Synopsis : Tohru's now capable of handling the housework perfectly, and at Miss Kobayashi's request, she decides to make the best omurice for dinner one night. However, gathering high quality ingredients would put her over budget. Wanting to see Miss Kobayashi smile more than anything, Tohru ends up playing her forbidden card... Meanwhile, as Miss Kobayashi rides the train home, worn out from work, she dreams of the night she first met Tohru.