
Activité sur Mr. Morris


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Mr. Morris

Mr Morris

épisode S2 E2 de Friday Night Dinner

Synopsis : The boys are excited: grandma, played by Frances Cuka is coming for dinner, and tonight she's bringing her new boyfriend. 'He's not her boyfriend,' says mum, he's her 'male companion'. 82 year-old Lou Morris, played by Harry Landis is a horrible, vain man, who sports a trilby, a Hitler-ish moustache, and is obsessed with cleanliness ('I'm very hygienical'); wiping his hands on the bathroom curtains when there's no hand towel. Mr Morris is also the world's worst driver, parking his battered old car right up to the front doorstep, smashing his headlamp: 'Your bloody house just broke my light!' shouts Mr Morris. None of the family can see what lovely grandma sees in him. Dad can't stand the man and hides in his shed, while rifling through his box of fossils. But none of the family are quite prepared for what happens when Mr Morris suddenly loses his temper.