
Activité sur Birthday


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série


épisode S1 E10 de Salad Fingers

Synopsis : Salad Fingers is making preparations for Hubert Cumberdale's birthday. He addresses "Milford Cubicle", still hanging from the meat hook he was placed upon in Episode 3, trying to persuade the now heavily decayed corpse to take a bath for Hubert Cumberdale's birthday. A knock on the door leads Salad Fingers outside, only to encounter a long, thick metal pole stretching upwards further than the eye can see. Perplexed and irritated by the pole, he goes back indoors and causes Milford to fall from his hook while berating him. He reveals the ability to widen his irises and cause his teeth to move, making a music box-like tune, by moving his hand at the side of his head as though turning a handle. When this fails to rouse his lifeless friend, he decides to leave the house, leaving "Horace Horsecollar", the toy horse that appeared in Episode 6, "in charge". The scene moves to Salad Fingers walking through a misty forest full of leafless trees, revealing the search for a doctor as his motive to Hubert Cumberdale. He finds a vessel full of rubbish and starts rummaging around inside it. He finds a grotesque doctor puppet, which is self-animated and growling with gnashing teeth, that has bent hooks and springs for hands. He refers to the puppet as "Dr. Papanak", and lies down on a large slab resembling a tombstone for an examination (seemingly forgetting that the doctor was meant to examine "Milford Cubicle"). Salad Fingers initially seeming to relish the examination, until Dr. Papanak bites into the side of his head. Salad Fingers throws the puppet away in fear, which sprouts knives and latches onto a nearby horse closely resembling "Horace Horsecollar". Dr. Papanak tears away savagely at the horse's side. Salad Fingers's fear fades away on seeing this; he tries to comfort the horse, acknowledging that the doctor is hurting it, but tells it to try and be still whilst the doctor eats its blood. The horse is shown weeping a tear down its face but makes no movement or resistance. The scene fades out, and returns to Salad Fingers, awake and still lying on the tombstone. The forest is now leafy, and an entire new tree has sprouted up through a crack in the slab between Salad Finger's legs. Salad Fingers looks older, is unshaven, and his clothes are partially torn and muddied. He speculates that he has been asleep "for six Mondays". There is no sign of the horse or of Dr. Papanak, although Hubert Cumberdale is seen lying on the ground, also peculiarly aged, and surrounded by twigs. Salad Fingers returns home (the great pole is missing) to find multiple horses in his house, including one that resembles the horse attacked by Dr. Papanak and which has had its wound patched shut. Accusing his toy horse Horace of inviting too many guests, he searches through his cupboards and drawers to find many horses improbably crammed in, and is distressed to discover Milford Cubicle as a skeleton. He drives the horses out, imagining them to have eaten him, only to discover the mysterious pole he had seen earlier outside his house has returned. While accusing the pole of being involved in the previous events, Salad Fingers loses focus when he spots, a little way away from him, a group of people gathered around a table. Referring to them as "the whole platoon" (another ambiguous war reference), he approaches to reveal that each of the five guests is a deformed version of himself (not looking aged and unshaven as he does), each eating brains and bodily organs while groaning or performing repetitive and deranged actions. At this point, he appears to forget that the party was for Hubert, and nervously assumes the birthday seat for himself. Suddenly, the pole lowers itself into the ground to reveal a wrapped up present on the top of it, which he excitedly unwraps; only one of the clone-guests looks at him while he does this. He opens the present and finds a hat made from what is clearly Milford Cubicle. His BBQ apron, face, and skin can be clearly seen on it. He says "I shall wear it from here to the grave. What a truly special day." He puts it on while atmospheric music plays. The camera then begins to zoom back, until the screen slowly fades to black.