This song is obviously made as a pamphlet or as a cry , a desperate cry or a challenge of identity. It is a cry against History in the name of appartenance to the status. It is a hymn of love of the language, its history and its origin. It seeks cohesion amd pride in chanting the language. What I found interesting is its diversity of accents rooted in the territories in the new world asan Adventure of language in the New world. I canot put a lesser grade to this song of love and the pride of speaking the language and of courage of people as explorers. I found it enthusiastic , full of hope with a message to live and croos the bridge to other cultures. Maybe it is simplke but it is supposed to catch on. A catchy song Cette chanson tourne et retourne aux sentiments:...aux rimes faciles
C'est une langue belle
avec des mots superbes,Qui porte son histoire a travers ses accents
Ou l'on sent la musique et le parfum des herbes
Le fromage de chevres et le pain de froment....
Et du Mont St-Michel jusqu- a la Contrescarpe
En ecoutant parler les gens de ce pays
On dirait que le vent s'est pris dans une harpe
Et qu'il en a garde toutes les harmonies....
Ca va de cette maniere...aux rimes et sonorites faciles .de facon bouleversante...Pop, musique pop. C'est le fait culturel