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Comics de John Smith et Mike Hadley · 1989 (Royaume-Uni)
Résumé : Welcome to Hell! This star-scan of the cast of ‘The Issigri Variations’, squaring off against infernal forces, has a special place in my heart – I used to have a photocopy of it up on the wall in my bedroom as a boy, and even once tried to make a t-shirt out of the image! Mike Hadley is undoubtedly a bit of a ‘Marmite’ artist – a perception not helped, I expect, by his association with ‘Wireheads’ and ‘ParaSITES’. That said, I have always been fond of stylised, angular artwork (witness my love of Kev O’Neill and Brett Ewins) and Hadley’s depiction of the freelance Indigo Prime agents' misadventures channels the sordid and the otherworldly to memorable and striking effect.