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Titre original : Star Wars : Crimson Empire II : Council of Blood

Scénario :

Mike Richardson, Randy Stradley

Dessin :

Paul Gulacy

Éditeur :

Dark Horse Comics
Date de publication (France) : 3 novembre 1999Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : TPB VO anglais - Collects Star Wars : Crimson Empire II : Council of Blood # 1-6 Following the death of Imperial Guard turncoat Carnor Jax at the hand of the last Guard, Kir Kanos, the Galactic Empire suddenly finds itself devoid of a leader, and an Interim Council is assembled to rule the Empire until a new Emperor can be selected. But when Council members become targets for assassination, Kanos becomes the prime suspect and again stands at the center of a storm!ISBN : 9781569714102