Cadet Dredd Volume 1 - Tooth and Claw

Fiche technique

Scénario :

Liam Sharp, Chris Weston, Michael Carroll, Arthur Wyatt, Rory McConville, Liam Johnson, James Peaty, Ned Hartley

Dessin :

Chris Weston, Neil Googe, Ben Willsher, Silvia Califano, Jake Lynch, Toby Willsmer, Joe Currie, Gary Welsh

Éditeur :

Rebellion 2000 AD
Date de publication (Royaume-Uni) : 20 novembre 2024Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : Before Judge Dredd, there was Cadet Dredd – a keen, fresh-faced apprentice, and stickler for the rules, with no idea of the legend he will one day become. Young Joe hits the streets of Mega-City One for the first time, facing off against perps, monsters and genetically modified movie stars as he learns how to become the greatest Judge the Meg has ever seen. Zarjaz adventures await inside this thrilling new collection!ISBN : 9781837862573