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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019 - 2020)

Fiche technique

Titre original : Guardians of the Galaxy (Volume 6)

Scénario :

Donny Cates

Dessin :

Geoff Shaw

Éditeur :


Groupe :

Les Gardiens de la Galaxie
Date de publication (États-Unis) : mars 2019Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : WHO WILL STAND? The universe is on fire. Hundreds of worlds are at war. Never has there been such hatred and division across the cosmos. And in spite of all this, Thanos of Titan is still dead…or is he? Now, more than ever, the cosmos need the Guardians of the Galaxy…but in the aftermath of the Infinity Wars, who is left to answer the call? Featuring every cosmic super hero in the known universe by the THANOS WINS creative team of Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw!