Hero of the Revolution - Nikolai Dante, tome 10

Fiche technique

Scénario :

Robbie Morrison

Dessin :

Simon Fraser, John Burns

Éditeur :

Rebellion 2000 AD

Groupe :

Nikolai Dante
Date de publication (Royaume-Uni) : juillet 2011Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : Year of the Tsar 2676 AD. The bastard son of the Romanovs, Nikolai Dante, leads a rebellion against Vladimir the Conqueror. Supported by the tyrant’s daughter, Jena Makarov, his mother the pirate queen Katarina Dante, and some of his weapons-crest-enabled siblings, can Dante defeat his nemesis and bring peace to the empire, or is there another fiendish figure preparing to take control? With gripping writing from Robbie Morrison (Shakara, The Authority) and jaw-dropping art from Simon Fraser (Lilly MacKenzie and the Mines of Charbydis) and John Burns (Bendatti Vendetta), prepare for a wild ride of action and intrigue as Nikolai Dante’s epic adventure gets closer to a mind-blowing conclusion!ISBN : 978-1907992223