Storm King ComicsDate de publication (États-Unis) : 5 avril 2022Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : Noted scientist Dr. Jordan Correll has discovered an amazing new mineral power source, but he had to crawl up out of the depths of the Earth to bring it back. Multinational conglomerate CalEx wants the discovery, so a bad-ass team is organized to get it. Except the subsurface labyrinth known as the Underneath is not without its own civilization ― not a Biblical Hell, but a practical one.
The Underneath teems with real monsters and challenges both our firepower, and the occult expertise of team lead Stephanie Billings, who has to tell the entire story of a “first contact” that actually dates back centuries ― to our most classic nightmares of demons, devils and the battle to survive against them.ISBN : 978-1734389159