Judge Dredd, Judge Dredd: The Complete Case FilesDate de publication (Royaume-Uni) : 14 janvier 2016Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : Mega-City One - a nightmarish enclosure located along the Eastern Seaboard of North America. Only the Judges - powerful law enforcers supporting the despotic Justice Department - can stop total anarchy running rife on the crime-ridden streets. Toughest of them all is Judge Dredd - he is the law and these are his stories...
After a pack of vicious Dune Sharks attack Mega-City One, Judge Dredd sets out into the Cursed Earth with a group of cadets, intent on finding where the alien fish fiends have come from, so he can wipe them out once and for all!
Meanwhile in another classic adventure from the pages of the Judge Dredd Megazine, Dredd teams up with the celebrity freelance exorcist, Devlin Waugh, to battle Kigishu the evil sorcerer on the plains of Pan-Africa…ISBN : 978-1781084311