Magic the Gathering: Path of the Planeswalker

Fiche technique

Scénario :

Wizards of the Coast

Dessin :

Arthur Suydam, Karl Kopinski, Vince Evans, Geirrod van Dyke, Brian Haberlin, Izzy, Nic Klein, Steven Belledin

Éditeur :

Wizards of the Coast

Groupe :

Magic : L'Assemblée
Date de publication (États-Unis) : 8 janvier 2010Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : Collected Stories : Fuel for the Fire by Doug Beyer, The Seeker's Fall by Jenna Helland, The Hunter and the Veil by Jenna Helland and Doug Beyer, Flight of the White Cat by Brady Dommermuth, The Veil's Curse by Doug Beyer, Honor Bound by Jenna Helland, Journey to the Eye by Jenna Helland, Awakenings by Doug Beyer.ISBN : 978-0786953677