Sinister Dexter Volume Seven - 2000 AD: The Ultimate Collection Volume 140

Fiche technique

Scénario :

Dan Abnett

Dessin :

Anthony Williams, John Burns, Simon Davis, Patrick Goddard, P.J. Holden, Christina "Smudge" Hanson

Éditeur :

Hachette Partworks
Date de publication (Royaume-Uni) : 5 janvier 2023Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : Downlode has been infiltrated by doppelgangers – minions of the Mover, who is Holy Moses Tanenbaum from a parallel dimension. With the ganglord now becoming the city’s mayor, his takeover is almost complete – but gun-sharks Sinister and Dexter have plans to bring him down... The hitmen travel from Downlode to the colony world of Generica and back.