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Titre original : The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man / Spider-Man Vs. The Chameleon

Scénario :

Stan Lee

Dessin :

Steve Ditko

Éditeur :


Groupes :

Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man (1963)
Date de publication (États-Unis) : mars 1963Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : Contains two amazing stories! Spider-Man: Freak! Public Menace! Peter Parker tries to continue a show biz career as Spider-Man, yet J. Jonah Jameson's editorials slamming him as a menace makes it hard to find work. Spider-Man vs. the Chameleon! The criminal Chameleon breaks into a military building dressed as Spider-Man to steal missile plans. He is confronted by security officers who place the crime on Spider-Man.