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a attribué 8/10 au webtoon

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The Dangerous Convenience Store

Wiheomhan Pyeonuijeom

2020 • Webtoon de 945

Résumé : Lovesick college student Uijun works part-time at a convenience store in a sketchy, dangerous neighborhood, when one day the sexy, dangerous Geonu makes his grand entrance! But after drunkenly pouring his heart out to him, will Uijun get more than he bargained for?


a recommandé le webtoon

et lui a attribué 9/10

The Dangerous Convenience Store

Wiheomhan Pyeonuijeom

2020 • Webtoon de 945

Résumé : Lovesick college student Uijun works part-time at a convenience store in a sketchy, dangerous neighborhood, when one day the sexy, dangerous Geonu makes his grand entrance! But after drunkenly pouring his heart out to him, will Uijun get more than he bargained for?

The Dangerous Convenience Store

Wiheomhan Pyeonuijeom

2020 • Webtoon de 945

Résumé : Lovesick college student Uijun works part-time at a convenience store in a sketchy, dangerous neighborhood, when one day the sexy, dangerous Geonu makes his grand entrance! But after drunkenly pouring his heart out to him, will Uijun get more than he bargained for?


a attribué 1/10 au webtoon

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“C'est un oui ! ”


a attribué 8/10 au webtoon

The Dangerous Convenience Store

Wiheomhan Pyeonuijeom

2020 • Webtoon de 945

Résumé : Lovesick college student Uijun works part-time at a convenience store in a sketchy, dangerous neighborhood, when one day the sexy, dangerous Geonu makes his grand entrance! But after drunkenly pouring his heart out to him, will Uijun get more than he bargained for?


a attribué 9/10 au webtoon

et l'a ajouté à ses listes

Des cases et des bulles



The Dangerous Convenience Store

Wiheomhan Pyeonuijeom

2020 • Webtoon de 945

Résumé : Lovesick college student Uijun works part-time at a convenience store in a sketchy, dangerous neighborhood, when one day the sexy, dangerous Geonu makes his grand entrance! But after drunkenly pouring his heart out to him, will Uijun get more than he bargained for?