Fiche technique

Scénario :

Brian Haberlin

Dessin :

Brian Haberlin, Geirrod van Dyke

Éditeur :

Image Comics
Date de publication (pays d'origine) : 13 septembre 2023Résumé : In a world where your guild meanseverything, classless Sylv is labeled aBarbarian. She’s a jack of all tradeswho can fight, pick most pockets,and cast a spell or two. But withoutofficial membership to a guild, she’sbarred from having adventures. Noadventures means no money, andno money makes it awfully hardto support herself and her 7-foottalldisabled brother. But when anunderhanded cleric says he’s got thequest of a lifetime for her, she can’treally say no (even if she knows sheshould). It’ll take every skill she’sgot to stay alive, save a child, preventthe fabric of the universe from beingripped apart, and prove that beingmultiskilled isn’t totally barbaric.