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Fiche technique

Scénario :

Bob Huszar

Dessin :

Ken Landgraf

Éditeur :

Floating World
Date de publication (États-Unis) : juin 2024Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : Backflipping out of a helicopter, Floating World Comics, Power Comics, and Monster Fan Club bluntly present Ken Landgraf’s 80s masterpiece of blood soaked urban mayhem! Check your underwear before you attempt to pick up this cast-iron omnibus collecting all 5 issues, 3 broken fists full of cracked bonus material, and a new, exciting way to live your life! Can you feel the rats gnawing on your ankles? A staggering whirlwind of vigilante chaos, the savagely inspiring New York City Outlaws heralded the ‘80s self-publishing boom. In just five issues ― here with unseen material ― writer Bob Huszar and iconic cartoonist Ken Landgraf (Apocalypse 5000) shredded the rules and drowned them in blood.ISBN : 9781942801320