Fiche technique

Scénario :

Curt Pires

Dessin :

Kevin Castaniero

Éditeur :

Mad Cave Studios
Date de publication (États-Unis) : 12 décembre 2023Langue d'origine : AnglaisRésumé : CANCELLED is the world’s premier entertainment event – a live-streamed program where elite bounty hunters called “Cancellers” kill individuals who society has voted to “cancel” following heinous actions or offenses. But CANCELLED is not just a form of violent entertainment. It’s one of the last forms of upward mobility for an increasingly oppressed lower / middle class. Want to escape the gig economy? Pay off your crushing student debt? Cover your sick parents’ medical bills? CANCELLED just might be your way out. But you’re going to have to get your hands dirty.ISBN : 9781952303722