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Fiche technique

Titre original : BacchanaleAussi connu sous le nom de : Idiaiteres epithymies, Bacchanale – die totale ErotikGenres : Expérimental, Érotique, FantasyAnnée : 1970Durée : 1 h 16 minDate de sortie (pays d'origine) : 1970

Réalisateurs :

John Amero, Lem Amero

Synopsis : Follows a young woman as she travels through the strange, surreal passages reminiscent of Dante's Inferno. Filmed in 1970 infamous Brothers Amero, Bacchanale – final terrible film of its time. Follow our magnificent leading lady in a reprobate invented world, crapped subversive desire, scandalous, Forbearance, and an unfailing lecherous thirst. Bacchanale broke all the rulse traditional creation of the film, establishing a Fund from which the porn industry will grow in the coming years. His artistic vision combined with unforgettable sexual scenes, makes Bacchanale, the need sees each admirer not only classic porn movie making in General.

Casting de Bacchanale