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Fiche technique

Aussi connu sous le nom de : A zöld mail, Mahi me to hrono, Compte à rebours explosif, Cuenta atrás, O DetonadorAnnée : 2002

Pays d'origine :

États-Unis, Canada
Date de sortie (États-Unis, Canada) : 17 décembre 2002Date de sortie (France) : 2002

Réalisateur :

Jonathan Heap

Producteurs :

Vicki Sotheran, Greg Malcolm
Budget : 5 500 000 $

Synopsis : A member of environmental group is killed while trying to get info on a company's acts of pollution. Later members of the company are being killed by bombs. The ATF investigates and the leader of the group is brought in. While he is not the one who is doing it, he is keeping something from them, so they keep him under surveillance.

Casting de Greenmail