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Hotel Coppelia
Fiche technique
Pays d'origine :
République dominicaineDurée : 1 h 53 minRéalisateur :
José María CabralScénaristes :
Penélope Adames, José María CabralProducteurs :
Albert Martinez Martin, Rafael MunozSynopsis : 1965, Dominican Republic. At a seaside brothel, the lives of a group of prostitutes take a dramatic turn when freedom fighters stage a revolutionary coup, making them realise they can have a better life and perhaps find love. But everything changes when the US army supresses the revolution and takes the brothel as a military base: the girls will have to face the dilemma of either sleeping with the enemy or protecting their dignity at all costs.
Casting de Hotel Coppelia
Et aussi
Jose / Fils adopté de Judith
Cruz / Soldat
Johnny / Soldat
Danny Radhames Vasquez Castillo
Client du bar