L'actualité sur I Am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced
Les dernières actions
2014 • Film de Khadija al-Salami
Synopsis : Ten year old Jemenite girl asks a judge in Sana'a to grant her a divorce from a horrible marriage, after she was married away to prevent a public scandal after a rape of her sister.
“Et dites-vous que le livre est bien pire (et quand on s'informe de la suite après tout ça.... Pauvre Nojoom!) Mais le film est très bon dans son message, je conseil”
a attribué 8/10 au film
et l'a ajouté à sa liste
2014 • Film de Khadija al-Salami
Synopsis : Ten year old Jemenite girl asks a judge in Sana'a to grant her a divorce from a horrible marriage, after she was married away to prevent a public scandal after a rape of her sister.
2014 • Film de Khadija al-Salami
Synopsis : Ten year old Jemenite girl asks a judge in Sana'a to grant her a divorce from a horrible marriage, after she was married away to prevent a public scandal after a rape of her sister.
2014 • Film de Khadija al-Salami
Synopsis : Ten year old Jemenite girl asks a judge in Sana'a to grant her a divorce from a horrible marriage, after she was married away to prevent a public scandal after a rape of her sister.
2014 • Film de Khadija al-Salami
Synopsis : Ten year old Jemenite girl asks a judge in Sana'a to grant her a divorce from a horrible marriage, after she was married away to prevent a public scandal after a rape of her sister.
2014 • Film de Khadija al-Salami
Synopsis : Ten year old Jemenite girl asks a judge in Sana'a to grant her a divorce from a horrible marriage, after she was married away to prevent a public scandal after a rape of her sister.
2014 • Film de Khadija al-Salami
Synopsis : Ten year old Jemenite girl asks a judge in Sana'a to grant her a divorce from a horrible marriage, after she was married away to prevent a public scandal after a rape of her sister.