La Quatrième Dimension
Fiche technique
Groupe :
La Quatrième DimensionAnnée : 1984Pays d'origine :
États-UnisDurée : 1 h 41 minDate de sortie (États-Unis) : 24 juin 1983Date de sortie (France) : 1 février 1984Réalisateurs :
Joe Dante, George Miller, Steven Spielberg, John LandisScénaristes :
Rod Serling, John Landis, George Clayton Johnson, Melissa Mathison, Richard MathesonProducteurs :
Jon Davison, Michael Finnell, Kathleen Kennedy, John Landis, Steven Spielberg, Frank MarshallBudget : 10 000 000 $Bande originale :
Twilight Zone: The MovieSynopsis : Quatre épisodes de « La Quatrième Dimension » revisités par quatre grands cinéastes hollywoodiens.
Casting de La Quatrième Dimension
Et aussi
French Monther (segment "Time Out")
Vietnamese (segment "Time Out")
Vietnamese (segment "Time Out")
Charming G.I. (segment "Time Out")
G.I. (segment "Time Out")
G.I. (segment "Time Out")
G.I. (segment "Time Out")
G.I. (segment "Time Out")
G.I. (segment "Time Out")
K.K.K. (segment "Time Out")
K.K.K. (segment "Time Out")
K.K.K. (segment "Time Out")
Soldier No. 1 (segment "Time Out")
Mr. Bloom (segment "Kick the Can")
Mr. Leo Conroy (segment "Kick the Can")
Mr. Weinstein (segment "Kick the Can")
Mrs. Weinstein (segment "Kick the Can")
Mrs. Dempsey (segment "Kick the Can")
Mr. Agee (segment "Kick the Can")
Mr. Mute (segment "Kick the Can")
Miss Cox (segment "Kick the Can")
Young Mr. Weinstein (segment "Kick the Can")
Young Mrs. Weinstein (segment "Kick the Can")
Young Mr. Agee (segment "Kick the Can")
Young Mrs. Dempsey (segment "Kick the Can")
Young Mr. Mute (segment "Kick the Can")
Mr. Gray Panther (segment "Kick the Can")
Mr. Conroy's Son (segment "Kick the Can")
Mr. Conroy's Daughter-in-Law (segment "Kick the Can")
Nurse No. 2 (segment "Kick the Can")
Helen Foley (segment "It's a Good Life")
Anthony (segment "It's a Good Life")
Uncle Walt (segment "It's a Good Life")
Mother (segment "It's a Good Life")
Father (segment "It's a Good Life")
Ethel (segment "It's a Good Life")
Walter Paisley (segment "It's a Good Life")
Sara (segment "It's a Good Life")
Tim (segment "It's a Good Life")
Charlie (segment "It's a Good Life")
John Valentine