Le Voile des illusions
Fiche technique
Groupe :
Le Voile des illusionsAnnée : 1935Pays d'origine :
États-UnisDurée : 1 h 25 minDate de sortie (États-Unis) : 23 novembre 1934Date de sortie (France) : 15 mai 1935Réalisateur :
Richard BoleslawskiScénaristes :
John Meehan, Salka Viertel, Edith FitzgeraldProducteur :
Hunt StrombergCasting de Le Voile des illusions
Et aussi
Polo Player (scenesDeleted)
German Teacher (scenesDeleted)
German (scenesDeleted)
Bridegroom (scenesDeleted)
Frau Koerber (scenesDeleted)
German (scenesDeleted)
Chief of Police (scenesDeleted)
German (scenesDeleted)
English Governor (scenesDeleted)
Polo Player (scenesDeleted)
Husband (scenesDeleted)
German Teacher (scenesDeleted)
German Teacher (scenesDeleted)
Major Domo (scenesDeleted)
Fat Man (scenesDeleted)
Motherly Woman (scenesDeleted)
Jovial German (scenesDeleted)
Polo Player (scenesDeleted)
Polo Player (scenesDeleted)
Crying Boy (scenesDeleted)
Stuttering Woman (scenesDeleted)
Fish-Faced Mother
Femme curieuse
Officier chinois
Dr. Simons
Mrs. Braithwaite
Lady Coldchester
Dr. Somerset
Cruel Woman
Vieille fille
Fane's Chinese Servant
Chinese Peasant
Shay Key Fong
La mère supérieure
Specialty Dancer - the Maiden