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Fiche technique

Genres : Comédie, DrameAnnée : 2017

Pays d'origine :

Durée : 1 h 44 minDate de sortie (Inde) : 22 septembre 2017

Réalisateur :

Amit V Masurkar

Synopsis : Un fonctionnaire part dans une ville de la jungle centrale pour y installer un bureau de vote et recueillir les voix des habitants intimidés par les rebelles communistes alors en guérilla contre les autorités.

Casting de Newton

Raj Kumar Yadav

Newton Kumar

Pankaj Tripathy

Aatma Singh

Ishar Ahmed

S News Camerman

Nahida Ali

Lila's Sister In Law

Nisar Ali

Lila's Nephew

Nizam Ali

Lila's Brother

Vinod B.

S News Reporter

Jangli Bai

Scared Villager

Et aussi

Ragho Bai

Questioning Village Woman 2

Vaijanti Bai

Chicken Cook

Sulekha Begum

Lila's Grandmother

Jawad Chat

Foreign Camera person

Aman Dahiya

Channel 5 Cameraman

Komol Dai

Questioning Village Woman 1

Anand Gautam

Lingaram Netam

Pistak Gond

The Village Patel

Ravi Gond

Boys who bring chicken

Sagar Gond

Boys who bring chicken

Dan Husain

Police DIG

Noor Jahaanty

Lila's Aunt

Kirti Shreeyansh Jain

Newton's Mother

Lata.N. Jain

Lila's Mother

Mayank Jain

Election Officer 2

Khilendra Kumar

Children singing Gond song

Ramesh Kumar

Channel 5 Reporter

Puja Maewal

Movie Voice Over

G.D. Meshram

Election Officer 1

Sanjay Mishra

Election Instructor

Dinesh Nag

Policeman with Megaphone

Mukesh Nagar

Mangal Netam

Mangal Netam

Print journalist

Neeldhar Netam

SPO with Megaphone

Rajman Netam

Alma Singh's Translator

Sukdev Netam

Man who gets slapped

Sukkuram Netam

First Voter in Red Turban

Kalpana Nimje

Atma Singh's Family

Ruchika Nimje

Atma Singh's Family

Bachan Pachehra

Newton's Father

Maureen Elizabeth Pitz

Foreign Reporter

Dr. Pratap Prabhankar

Election Trainee

Gadru Ram


Ashok Sen

Policeman who orders chicken