Fiche technique

Titre original : Break UpAussi connu sous le nom de : Point de rupture, La RuptureGenre : Thriller

Pays d'origine :

Durée : 1 h 40 minDate de sortie (États-Unis) : 21 août 1998

Réalisateur :

Paul Marcus

Scénariste :

Anne Amanda Opotowsky

Producteurs :

Jonas Goodman, Harvey Kahn, Elie Samaha, Gary Rubin, Mary Vernieu, Chip Duncan, Avi Lerner, Russell D. Markowitz, Danny Dimbort, Trevor Short
Budget : 9 000 000 $

Synopsis : Jimmy is married to the abusive Frank, but she's building a nest egg so she can leave. For a year, she's been deaf as a result of one of his beatings. One night, he pushes her over the stairwell, and she ends up in the hospital. When a charred body in her husband's car is pulled from a pond, the cops want to talk to her, but she bolts for her sister's, loses her savings pass-book, and then learns someone has emptied her bank account. She's goes on the run, with the same cops on her trail, and eventually realizes Frank may not be dead. Getting back her money, facing Frank, satisfying the police, and finding her freedom may be more than she can handle.

Casting de Point de rupture

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