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Santa Clara
Fiche technique
Pays d'origine :
BolivieDurée : 1 h 26 minDate de sortie (Bolivie) : 25 décembre 2019Réalisateur :
Pedro Antonio GutiérrezScénariste :
Pedro Antonio GutiérrezProducteurs :
Gerardo Guerra, Pedro Antonio Gutiérrez, Alejandro SuárezCasting de Santa Clara
Et aussi
Le charpentier
Young José
Farmer at the radio
El Cidral housekeeper
Adolfo Salazar
Bar extra
Pablo Temo's mother neighbors
Child José
Cattle spectator extra
Santiago's cattleman
El Cidral employee
Diego's children babysitter
Ana's daughter
Santiago's cattleman
Cop talking in the radio
Diego's son
Diego's son
Santiago's cattleman
Ana's daughter
Ana's babysitter
Adolfo Salazar horse rider
Cattle spectator extra
Child at the party
Carpenter's daughter
Consuelo de Moreno
Alejandro Moreno
Child Luis
Viktor's housemate
Bar extra
Santiago's cattleman
Guard at the wooden gate
Drunk man on Bar
Florencio Chávez
Cattle spectator extra