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Fiche technique

Genres : Drame, Policier, ThrillerAnnée : 1969

Pays d'origine :

Durée : 1 h 35 minDate de sortie (États-Unis) : février 1969

Réalisateur :

Herbert J. Leder

Scénaristes :

Herbert J. Leder, Francis Swann

Producteur :

Herbert J. Leder

Synopsis : Sidney Carter, a British drug pusher in Mexico City who is known as the Candy Man, plans to kidnap the small daughter of Julia Evans, an American actress, with the help of addict Rick Pierce and his girl friend Greta. The plot fails when Greta, hired as the child's nursemaid, refuses to go through with the scheme and fights with Rick while another woman makes off with the child. Carter finds the woman, who is deranged over the loss of her own child, and he continues his plan to demand a ransom. The police, headed by Lieutenant Garcia, are brought into the case by Julia's manager, Roger, and her ex-husband, Lee, and they track him down after the payment is made. Cornered on a hotel window ledge with the child after a chase, Carter falls to his death as the police save the child. Julia is reunited with Lee and their daughter.

Casting de The Candy Man

George Sanders

Sidney Carter

Leslie Parrish

Julie Evans

Pixie Hopkin

Maria Lopez

Félix González

Felipe Lopez

Pedro Galván

Roger West

Gina Romand

Greta Hansen

Nancy Rodman

Gwen Easterly

Chuck Anderson

Lee Stevens

Et aussi

Carlos Cortés

Rick Pierce

John Kelly


Lupita Ferrat

Jenny Stevens