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The Syrian Spillover


Synopsis : The Syrian Spillover is a documentary project that shows Syrian refugees from a human perspective. Our documentary team are film-makers and activists who aim to help Syrians while showing a different part of their existence, notably a personal one. During our weeks of preparation and filming on the Turkish-Syrian border, we got to see how the Syrian crisis has affected migration towards Turkey and Europe, as well as the everyday lives of over 2 million displaced refugees. Contrary to the media, we made a conscious effort to show personal stories from cities and refugee camps, portraying the lives of the most vulnerable families living in Turkey’s southeastern region. We spent days with refugee families trying to portray their everyday lives. Personal stories and real situations. We wanted to show how people live – moments of happiness and difficulties refugees face on a daily basis. We looked at so many different topics ranging from single mothers and post traumatic stress disorder to orphaned children, education and poverty. But the documentary isn’t just about showing the lives of Syrian refugees. We also want to make a difference by raising awareness to a wider public. This is the footage and interviews that Europeans - and many Turks - aren't faced with on a daily basis. They represent unique stories because we had unlimited access to syrian refugees living inside militarized camps, as well as personal and sometimes intimate stories about the loss of a family member, post traumatic stress and poverty as a result of displacement.