L'actualité sur Un homme au pair

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a attribué 2/10 au film


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a attribué 7/10 au film

Un homme au pair

2013 • Téléfilm de Laurent Dussaux

Synopsis : Un homme à tout faire au main d'une patronne débordée...les deux parlent Anglais: " Past 50 and unemployed for two years, formerly an acquisitions-and-mergers specialist, Maxime has been freeloading at his sister's for six months. Her boss Claire, a sexist, has a brilliant ten-year-old son, Jérémy, for whom Maxime is roped into being a full-time male nanny. And this is just the beginning of a progressive nightmare. But Jérémy has an idea..." merci imdb


regarde actuellement le film


Envie de comédie..marre des drames...bon frenchy OK mais zapping direct si c'est franchouillard

Le 31 août 2021


a attribué 7/10 au film

Un homme au pair

2013 • Téléfilm de Laurent Dussaux

Synopsis : Un homme à tout faire au main d'une patronne débordée...les deux parlent Anglais: " Past 50 and unemployed for two years, formerly an acquisitions-and-mergers specialist, Maxime has been freeloading at his sister's for six months. Her boss Claire, a sexist, has a brilliant ten-year-old son, Jérémy, for whom Maxime is roped into being a full-time male nanny. And this is just the beginning of a progressive nightmare. But Jérémy has an idea..." merci imdb


a attribué 7/10 au film

et l'a ajouté à son top SensCritique

Les meilleurs téléfilms français

Un homme au pair

2013 • Téléfilm de Laurent Dussaux

Synopsis : Un homme à tout faire au main d'une patronne débordée...les deux parlent Anglais: " Past 50 and unemployed for two years, formerly an acquisitions-and-mergers specialist, Maxime has been freeloading at his sister's for six months. Her boss Claire, a sexist, has a brilliant ten-year-old son, Jérémy, for whom Maxime is roped into being a full-time male nanny. And this is just the beginning of a progressive nightmare. But Jérémy has an idea..." merci imdb


a attribué 1/10 au film


a attribué 9/10 au film

Un homme au pair

2013 • Téléfilm de Laurent Dussaux

Synopsis : Un homme à tout faire au main d'une patronne débordée...les deux parlent Anglais: " Past 50 and unemployed for two years, formerly an acquisitions-and-mergers specialist, Maxime has been freeloading at his sister's for six months. Her boss Claire, a sexist, has a brilliant ten-year-old son, Jérémy, for whom Maxime is roped into being a full-time male nanny. And this is just the beginning of a progressive nightmare. But Jérémy has an idea..." merci imdb


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