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Fiche technique

Titre original : Ein Brief aus DeutschlandGenre : DrameAnnée : 2011

Pays d'origine :

Allemagne, Hongrie, Slovaquie, Roumanie
Durée : 50 minDate de sortie (France) : 9 avril 2011

Réalisateur :

Sebastian Mez

Scénariste :

Sebastian Mez

Synopsis : The film focuses on the experiences of three women from Eastern Europe who left home in hope for something better and whose life is now dominated by pain and exploitation. While anonymous voices read letters which enforce the feelings and experiences of these women, the images of the film range from their hometowns to abstractions of possible places and memories. It’s the effort trying to eliminate the lurid character of the issue of human trafficking and to deal in a strict and reduced form of film.

Casting de Une lettre d'Allemagne