IM NOT OKAY and if this review is full of mistakes well blame the tears rolling down my face. I loved this movie. Loved the fact that it didn’t involve a kind of love that’s easy or logical. It was about two people loving each other but in a world where love is never enough. I loved the relationship of the father and Xiao Xiao, and the feeling of always belonging somewhere you loved and were loved even when you take different paths. it’s just priceless and it really made my heart ache of bittersweet feelings and to make me feel that way well that’s proof that this movie even in its imperfections, is a good one. it felt real and i feel like culture has its saying in this. family is not felt the same everywhere and some things are more obvious in some places than in others. the end might not be as some would which but i feel like it’s exactly what ends should be sometimes. real and honest. loved this. also the aesthetic of the food and restaurants as always real banger. sometimes the plot felt too easy or simple but it didn’t really matter as if you truly are into the movie you’ll feel all the emotions, all the love and all the sadness too. loved loved loved. it gave some past lives feelings too but felt more complete at times