Twice Born is more than just a film, it is a poem! It's a hymn to love, freedom of life, without the slavery of prejudice, the adverse destiny and the tragedy of war. the movie conceals a strong massage of hope and never giving up: it has the power to allow the viewer to overshadow the cruelty and rawness of reality, appreciating the beauty of life in all it's forms.
Twice born, unimportant how, but what counts is the love and care the mother demonstrates her child, strong even to overcome the birth from another woman. mothership that overcomes all nature forces, the impossible that becomes possible.
a fairly emotional and not at all understated story, excellent direction, raw and captivating scenography and optimal cast, with the interpretation of Penelope Cruz.
As the Bright Lights of Sarajevo, by Tony Harrison explains, the city at war was a continuous search for help and food, and the film doesn't come less of demonstrating the critical conditions of the population at the time: the long queues for rations, having to "dodge snipers on the way", the barricades formed with "AID flour-sacks refilled with sand", to protect them. All these elements were perfectly represented in the film.
I highly recommend Twice Born, it is a 2 hour journey in time, guided by strong music and expressions, colors and dialogues.

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le 2 janv. 2017

Critique lue 593 fois


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Critique lue 593 fois

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