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Nonesuch Explorer Series
Ghana: Ancient Ceremonies, Songs & Dance Music (1979)
Sortie : 1979 (France). African, Folk, World, & Country
Album de Steve Jay
Bhāvālu/Impressions - South Indian Instrumental Music (1969)
Sortie : 1969 (France). Folk, World, & Country, Indian Classical
Album de Palghat Raghu, V.V. Subramaniam et K.V. Narayanaswami
The Pulse of Tanam: Ghana Raga Panchakam (Ragas of South India) (1969)
Sortie : 1969 (France).
Album de M. Nageswara Rao
Dhyānam/Meditation - South Indian Vocal Music (1969)
Sortie : 1969 (France).
Album de Palghat Raghu, V.V. Subramaniam et K.V. Narayanaswami
A Bell Ringing In The Empty Sky: Japanese Shakuhachi Music (1969)
Sortie : 1969 (France). Folk, World, & Country
Album de Gorō Yamaguchi
Music From the Morning of the World: The Balinese Gamelan (1967)
Sortie : 1967 (France).
Compilation de David Lewiston
Japanese Koto Classics (1966)
Sortie : 1966 (France). Folk, Classical, Folk, World, & Country
Album de Shin’ichi Yuize
The Music of India (1965)
Sortie : 1965 (France).
Album de S. Balachander et Umayalpuram K. Sivaraman