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The Books of Magic
Hellblazer / The Books of Magic (1997)
Sortie : décembre 1997 (États-Unis).
Comics de Paul Jenkins, John Ney Rieber et Paul Lee
Résumé : The story features Tim Hunter acquiring a time capsule created by John Constantine in his youth, and which contained all of Constantine's childhood innocence. Tim attempts to return it to him, but the capsule end up falling into the hands of the demon Kobal.
Bindings - The Books of Magic, tome 1 (1995)
Sortie : 19 janvier 1995 (États-Unis).
Comics de John Ney Rieber, Peter Gross et Gary Amaro
Résumé : This graphic novel, a companion volume to the first "Books of Magic" series, collects the first four issues of the series and also features the character of Death, from "The Sandman". Tim Hunter may become the greatest magician the world has ever known, but that depends on the choices he makes now.
The Books of Magic (1990)
The Books of Magic (Volume 1)
Sortie : novembre 1990 (États-Unis).
Comics de Neil Gaiman, John Bolton, Scott Hampton, Charles Vess et Paul Johnson
Résumé : Timothy Hunter, 12 ans, doit décider s'il souhaite devenir le plus grand sorcier du monde. Pour l'aider dans sont choix sera accompagné pour visiter "le monde".