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The English Hymn
The English Hymn 5: Lead, Kindly Light (2004)
Sortie : août 2004 (France).
Album de Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer et Rupert Gough
The English Hymn 4: All Things Bright and Beautiful (2003)
Sortie : mai 2003 (France).
Album de Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer et Rupert Gough
The English Hymn 3: Hills of the North, Rejoice (2002)
Sortie : septembre 2002 (France).
Album de Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer et Rupert Gough
The English Hymn 2: Jerusalem the Golden (2001)
Sortie : mai 2001 (France).
Album de Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer et Rupert Gough
The English Hymn 1: Christ Triumphant (1999)
Sortie : novembre 1999 (France).
Album de Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer et Rupert Gough