Memoirs of Magic
Fiche technique
Développeurs :
StrawberryOctii, Strawberry Octopus ProductionsÉditeur :
Itch.ioDate de sortie (France) : 2019Sortie sur : PCRésumé : Once upon a time, there existed a magical world, where magic, monsters and many mystical and magical creatures existed. This world was called the World of Magic, which was ruled by the Essay Royal Family, who brought much peace and prosperity to this land. However... This peace was disturbed by the stirrings of a new, mysterious entity. With it, it brought evil monsters created in its own image to the World of magic, threatening the very existence of the Realm. With the arrival of these monsters, the 5 Elemental Hearts of Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Balance; the very life source of this world, have been taken from their long known resting places, thus causing havoc across the World of Magic. Due to this, the King, King Essay, called forth any brave adventurers to partake in this quest to retrieve the stolen elemental hearts and stop this new evil that has been plaguing the lands. Seven adventurers, all of whom have different reasons to partake in this quest, be it for fame, glory, honor or justice, stepped forth to heed his call. And with this, our adventurers embark in our latest chapter in the Memoirs of Magic...