fini genre le 20/03/2017

The Windmill formation heals around 3% of each character's HP.

The attack boost grants something like 13% more damage, so 1.13. It's worth using if your mage is reaaally weak, or if you do more than 7.69 (so 8) attacks with the boosts within the 3 or 4 turns.

The defense boost lower the damage received to 0.91 (?).

DEFEND cuts the damage received to 0.25.
Critical attack is 1.5 normal damage.

I think they just multiply between themselves (if you defend AND have a defense boost, the damage you receive have a x0.225 modifier or something.)

Heal from mage heals 33% HP.

estelle 51 46 atk, 250 power on slime -> 280
alice 47 42 atk 140 power on slime -> 142

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Cet utilisateur l'a également ajouté à sa liste Classement jeux Vanillaware


le 4 mars 2017

Critique lue 222 fois


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Critique lue 222 fois

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notes de jeu

fini genre le 20/03/2017 The Windmill formation heals around 3% of each character's HP. The attack boost grants something like 13% more damage, so 1.13. It's worth using if your mage is reaaally...

le 4 mars 2017

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